[center][i]Two Cho's in Amegakure Aiko and Yukara attending the matches. Summary : Yukara en Aiko are going to see a match and talk a bit on their way to their seats.[/center][/i] [hider=Two Cho's] With both Katsu and Koike going to their matches, Aiko had made four shadow clones. One would attend to see the match of Kuni, while the fourth would try to see the match of Shikaroku's. Leaving the original Aiko with Kei, Akimoto and Yukara. Holding both her children in her arms, Aiko sighed. She seemed more tired than normal. All the training and preparation that she had invested in Katsu and Koike would be either successfull or they would know what they should improve for the next time. Or maybe it was also because she had made four shadow clones, while needing to watch over her twin and third pupil. [b]''I am exhausted.''[/b] She mumbled. Both Aki as Kei were quite silent, looking only around with big eyes. [b]''What do you want to do? Watch a match or perhaps just taking a walk around the city?''[/b] Aiko asked, looking at Yukara. Though with walk, she actually meant to sit down and relax. Yukara was not even in the Exams this time and yet, she felt nervous. Maybe it was because she was in a different village or maybe it was because she knew her team mates would be in a match, fighting someone they did not know that well. [b]"Do you think they will win?"[/b] Yukara asked, glancing around. Aiko's question had not yet gotten through her red and distracted head, taking a deep breath she looked to Aiko-Sensei. Aiko thought about the question. Like Yukara she was pretty nervous to see both Koike and Katsu face their opponents. Though the question made her realize that Yukara didn't had any ill intention towards them, but wanted them to be okay. The thought made her smile. [b]''I think they will do fine.''[/b] Aiko wanted to say she knew, but making such assumptions were a bit too bold. [b]''Decided yet?''[/b] Aiko asked, going back on her previous question. She nodded slowly when Aiko-Sensei answered her question, maybe three times is the charm for Koike and maybe Katsu would not get killed in his match. [b]"Yeah, I think you spent a lot of good time training them, who knows, maybe Koike can finally become a Chuunin,"[/b] Yukara said, then remembered that Aiko had indeed asked a question about what she wanted to do. [b]"Lets the watch the matches,"[/b] she answered. The answer of Yukara made Aiko become a bit worried about Koike. But he had looked calm and fine. Not really a reason why she would fret over him, she decided. [b]''Which match do you want to watch?''[/b] Aiko asked, realizing that she could dismiss a shadow clone if she would pick either Koike or Katsu's match. That could save her some chakra. Which was what she would like, due being quite tired. [b]"Koike's match,"[/b] Yukara answered, with little hesitation, maybe she could even learn something by watching it. Looking at Aiko-Sensei, she glanced at her children. She didn't have much experience with watching or helping with children but she could at least offer to help with them. [b]"Do you need a hand with your children?"[/b] she asked. Surprised, Aiko glanced at Yukara. Briefly Akimoto grabbed a lock of Aiko's hair. He started to mutter something as his smile grow. [b]''Yes please.''[/b] Carefully, Aiko would lean towards Yukara so that she could hand over Kei. The girl had been silent all the time, probably trying to examine all the different kind of people. Not to mention the different surroundings as Amegakure was quite different from Konohagakure. [b]''I believe it was that way.''[/b] Aiko said, supporting and holding Akimoto with both her arms. [b]''You know, next time it is going to be you. And then they will cheer for you.''[/b] Aiko told Yukara. Yukara carefully took the young Kei Cho from her mother and lifted her up onto her shoulders, nicely though. This way, the young Cho could easily see everything and would not be able to run off. [b]"Next time, I will be at your door at the break dawn for training every morning and I will master Silent Killing,"[/b] Yukara said, or so she hoped that she would have all sorts of new jutsu to mastered by then. Flashing a smile, Aiko couldn't say she was looking forward to that. Every morning, having to train. Like she wasn't already tired by the previous days of training this and that genin, the prospect of having to train every morning was just causing Aiko to shiver. [b]''We'll see about it.''[/b] Aiko managed to say. She was heading towards the arena where Koike would face off against a student of Kensuke. Remembering what Kensuke had told her about Ezuri, Aiko was wondering how the match would go. At least she would be able to recover a shadow clone and thus able to regain some chakra, hopefully some energy. With a smile, she walked with Aiko-Sensei to the field where Koike would be facing Ezuri Hyuuga. She thought of what she knew of the clan, they were taijutsu based and they had a Kekei Genkai. One that could stop the flow of chakra by striking the chakra points in the chakra network. [b]"Do you think Koike will be smart enough to stay at a distance from the Hyuuga kid?"[/b] Yukara asked, with a slight frown. The question made Aiko think for several seconds. Koike was devious and clever if it was about combat. [b]''I think that Koike will be smart enough, but he isn't weak at close ranged combat.''[/b] Thinking about her students and the general known information about Hyuuga's, Aiko thought further about it. [b]''I am not sure what he will do actually. One way to find out.''[/b] They were nearing the tribune. Looking around for a good spot to sit, Aiko stood still. Though she had faith in her student, she was still worried, making her look if he was already on the field. [b]"Oh good, I dont want him to get hurt, you know"[/b] Yukara said as she followed Aiko. Looking for a spot to sit down, then thinking about the little girl on her shoulders. [b]"Where do you want to sit, princess?"[/b] she asked Kei. Having the girl on her shoulders was calming her frayed nerves, even more so that she happened to know who Koike was facing. Ezuri Hyuuga, the boy she met at the hospital, she guessed that it was only logical for him to be in the Chuunin Exams but why did he have to be facing Koike Hon? The girl looked down as Yukara called her princess. But according to her mother and father, she was a little princess. Or was she? Pointing to a seat, Aiko had already taken place. Pointing again at the seat next to her mother, Kei moved her left thumb in her mouth as she quickly glanced around. It was nice to be on the shoulders of somebody who was taller. Like it was on her fathers shoulder. Then she could see a lot more. [b]''I think they will be fine. There are always medical ninja at the ready in case a match goes completely wrong.''[/b] Aiko told Yukara, though she was a bit worried too. [b]"Right, right. At the ready, like me"[/b] Yukara said and sat down next to Aiko-Sensei. It seemed the match had started and Yukara leaned forwards and tried to get a good look at the Arena they were watching. [b]"DONT HOLD BACK KOIKE!"[/b] Yukara yelled at the top of her lungs as the match began to unfold. Through out the match, she would randomly yell to watch out or to be carefull. Taking to biting her nails a few times as it got interesting and real sticky for Koike. [/hider]