[quote=Ellri] Vocators will still be in. [/quote] [quote=Sep] Uh, if they are I'm not having a hand in it. With Rebels being as popular as it is I'll be sticking to one char. [/quote] Daww, okay then, well I only mentioned that his mask is sort of the male equivalent of the Vocator Leader's mask, so it'll be fine. A shame that you got rid of all of the counterparts/friends of the characters you convinced me to make xD... (Although that's only three and I've abandoned two of them as well lol.) Speaking of Shin: [hider=Shin] [b]Name:[/b]"Shin" [b]Age: [/b]25 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Faction/Allegiance: [/b] Da-Hyun and the Yuushinto Clan [b]Relic Description:[/b] Shin's relic is a white mask which can change into three forms, depending either on what he wants others to see or on which power he's using. It possesses mostly the same powers as the Vocator's leader but as that mask can only be worn by females, this one can only be bonded with males. The mask constantly emits a radiant, white light. It's impossible for the evoker to take it off and if it is removed, the evoker will die. The basic principle around which the relic works is the manipulation of the energy and light. The mask provides three different types of powers, which all cost the evoker something. [u]Powers:[/u] [i]Boosting[/i]- [url=http://i.imgur.com/ilMS2sd.jpg]The relic[/url] allows the evoker to manipulate the energy in his own body, making it possible to increase his speed, strength, and agility. To make use of this 'power', the evoker will have to use the energy in his own body, resulting in accelerated increase of fatigue or a hunger. How much energy has to be used for this, depends on the level of control the user has. [i]Sense others[/i]- The body's energy can also be used to sense the peculiar vibe other relic users give off. This however can only work when both evokers aren't in full motion and if the mask's user is fully concentrated. To 'activate' this power, a small offer of human blood is required, either of the evoker or of somebody else. This has to be smeared over [url=http://i.imgur.com/1dZiEcP.jpg]the mask[/url], the more blood, the better the effect. [i]Invisibility[/i]- [url=http://i.imgur.com/uDbbO2e.jpg]The mask[/url] also allows the evoker to manipulate the light surrounding his body. Hereby he can make himself almost invisible and Shin uses this power to constantly manipulate the bright light the mask gives off. This 'power' works entirely on focus and the evoker's own energy, like the boosting power. [b]Appearance:[/b] [img=https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10353716_700448600008969_8385682201005625622_n.jpg?oh=1f15643b9e5bfd98786fd99e05a11c98&oe=54F4C3CD&__gda__=1424775029_b63b5a8258baec1ac4ca595536d2b36c] [b]Flaws:[/b] [i]All for Da-Hyun[/i] - As stated below, Shin has never learned to think as an individual and due to this, he suffers from a tunnel vision. Usually, even if actions would be better for individuals or himself, he chooses for the 'good of the realm', sometimes causing his life to be in danger. [i]Shiny[/i] - The fact that his mask constantly emits a bright light would be a problem if Shin forgets to manipulate the light for a moment. Shining bright like a ... star isn't exactly what a spy should be going for, isn't it? [i]Too educated for his own good[/i]- Shin sometimes has trouble mixing in with the 'common people', seeing how he was educated by some of the best trainers in Da-Hyun. From a young age on, the children of the Yuushinto clan are trained to look past class differences, but it's more difficult to hide certain customs and a 'high-class accent' than your body. [i]Out of energy[/i]- If he uses too much of his energy or is injured too badly or too often, both the boosting power and the invisibility will no longer work. Seeing how Shin has trained with his relic for twenty years, this won't happen that fast, but let's say that if he gets stuck in a city which is being invaded, he walks around completely invisible for a few hours and gets into some fights, he might end up incapable of even moving until he eats and sleeps for a few hours. [b]Skills:[/b] [i]Poison brewer[/i] - Shin posesses over an extensive knowledge concerning poisons and plants. His speciality is brewing poisons, but he is able to give some first aid or brew a potion with minor healing abilities. However, he's more familiar with Da-Hyunin flora and he will only be capable of properly using a small amount of local plants. As a solution to this problem, he always carries with him a small amount of plants and herbs which he is familiar with. [i]One with the shadows[/i]- Even without the relic's power, Shin is trained to make himself practically invisible, either by using the play of light and shadows or to simply mingle in with a crowd by use of a disguise. [i]Talented Swordsman[/i]- Shin is a Third grade Weapon Master, meaning that he knows quite a deal about how to use swords and other weapons. However, he usually doesn't have to make use of that skill. When he does, he prefers to use his twin swords, a few throwing knives and three short blades. [i]Large Knowledge[/i]- Due to his long and harsh education, Shin has some knowledge regarding a lot of subjects. He is familiar with the detailed history of Western Azukhar and knows a thing or two about The Kalesian Empire and the eastern lands. He speaks various languages, though he clearly has an accent, on which he's still working. [b]Biography:[/b] Shin was born into the Yuushinto Clan, a secret organization in Da-Hyun devoted to The Shadow Ways, the god Amatsu and "The Realm". The Mask has been passed down the family, since it is said that The Mask gave the first Yuushinto the power to create the nation of Da-Hyun and help the High Saeng rule it. It was custom that every son born into the family had to wear the mask at the age of five for a year and a day, to see if the relic would be evoked. When Shin put the mask on, the relic immediately responded to him, resulting in him never being able to take it off since. From that time on, for the first time in over two hundred years, the family once again had an evoker amongst them. Shin automatically held a higher position than his family members and trained to use his relic in service of the Realm. Since the organization usually acts as a spy network for the current High Saeng, Shin was trained to be an assassin and spy inside the large family estate until he was of age. At the age of fifteen, Shin had to perform his first mission and he has continued to fulfil missions ever since. Sometimes killing people, sometimes simply learning useful information. He's currently in Othea on a mission to keep an eye on the representatives and in the meantime learn useful information about the country and unravel as much secrets as possible that could be used against it. After all, it's wise to know your enemies' weaknesses as well as your friends'. [b]Personality/motivation:[/b] Shin is a cold, observant man who (thinks he) knows which should be his priorities and when to sacrifice things for a greater good. He has simply never really learned to think as an individual. All he does should be in service of Da-Hyun. He has the small personal desire to ever meet other relic users to see what they are like, but he'll never act upon this if it's not in service to the realm. [b]Relations:[/b] The Yuushinto Clan is one family, of which nine clanmembers are currently alive (five of them are capable of executing missions). Besides this, the family has a large network of spies and informants in cities all over Azukhar. [b]Final Point - Secrets:[/b] - [b]Theme Song:[/b] [youtube]fIqNveNdkgU[/youtube][/hider]