Name: Mason Hale Age: 18 Gender: Male Status: Personality: Having no memory Mason still retains a sense of caution, only approaching things due to his daring tendencies. He's a fearless individual, facing up against anything or anyone and never faltering. He is a nice person once you get to know him, extremely thoughtful of others. He shares an extreme love for battle and training, often exhibiting traits and skill of an experienced and knowledgeable fighter. He's surprisingly a great leader, though he detests the idea of being a great leader due to his humility. He tries to see greatness in other more than he does himself, he also does not tolerate people who won't follow his orders and will deal with them himself. His intense fighting spirit and unparalleled fortitude gives him an edge. Appearance: [hider=There][img][/img][/hider] Abilities/Weapons: Super Soldier Sticker: Mason displays an exceptional level of physical conditioning, his body seems to be at a higher potential as far as agility, speed, reaction time goes. Titan Sticker: He also has the ability to convert his skin into an organic steel that can withstand intense amounts of heat, great impacts, large caliber bullets, falling from tremendous heights, he however is weak to electric attacks(he can fight them they just hurt....alot). When he transforms, he gains around a foot in height. In his armored form, Mason's levels of strength increase to superhuman proportions(upper limit of 65 tons) as well as superhuman stamina and durability. Bio: “...” Other: "I don't seem to remember..."