McCarthy had seen enough lately of the protests and all the issues to spot someone out of the ordinary. He was on edge from the conversation two kids had had with their father already. It seemed like he didn't want them to go to Hogwarts, but at the same time he was scared of his own children. That angered Kyle, but he had a job to do. A couple kids, clearly muggles, were loitering too close for comfort to the platform barrier. He watched them, as kids filed at irregular intervals through the barrier. Kyle was tempted to do a Confundus charm on the boys, but they weren't doing anything bad, yet. He decided best was to place himself between the boys and the platform barrier. He was imposing, had purposefully dressed ex-military, just to give the air of someone who knew what they were doing and weren't afraid to do it. He wouldn't act first, but his reaction would be nearly instantaneous if anything extreme happened. Astrid picked a car out and flopped into a seat. "I wonder what Hogwarts looks like?" Her voice was wistful. The twins had switched back to speaking in English instead of their made up language. "I wonder a million things about magic and school. I wonder about mom..." She trailed off as someone passed their car. "Shut the door Terra." She frowned. Terra shut the door to the car. "We'll be safe there." Terra spoke, her voice was much quieter than her sister's. "There won't be protesters. Dad won't have to move, again. He'll tell the neighbors that we went to some fancy boarding school, and we'll have each other." She gave her sister a pleasant smile. "You don't have to be scared." Astrid grinned. "You'll be fine there. You're smart, and besides I bet we can't be that far behind other first years, not with all our practice." Terra sighed and sank into her own seat. The girls looked at each other for a moment a play of emotions across their face - and then the door to the cabin opened.