Luka waited patiently for the girl to collect anything she thought she’d need and he moved over to the door, looking out cautiously. That guard wasn’t getting back up any time soon. The street wasn’t as crowded as before, which was good. It was still daylight though, which was less than desirable. And guards were busting through doors left right and centre, which was a problem. He turned to the girl as she turned the lock and looked at her seriously. “Are you?” He questioned in return as he walked over to her and took her gently by the wrist. “Try to keep up.” He opened the door and suddenly pulled the girl close. They were looking for him, but they also weren’t expecting him to be with another person or walk out into broad daylight. He knew that whilst they were undetected they’d draw much less attention if they just tried to act like everyone else. Running off would have just alerted people to his presence quicker. However they seemed to have a fairly strong idea of where he was; Luka saw both ends of the street blocked off by guards, inspecting everyone who passed and many were patrolling the streets. He froze, not really out of fear but just as he took in the surroundings, trying to gauge just where he could go. Luka suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder and his entire body tensed. “Excuse me, sir but have you-” However he was cut off before he could finish his question as Luka spun around, momentarily letting go of the girl at his side as he swiped the guars feet out from underneath him, sending him falling to the ground, dazed as his head hit the cobblestone. Cries of fear and alarm erupted around them and the boy cursed softly, grabbing onto the girl’s wrist again. “Let’s go.” He said as he took off running at an alarming pace. His leanness suddenly became very reasonable, the muscles conditioned to running for a long time at speeds not usually sustained by normal people. Even behind him he could feel the girl lagging, kept up only by his force pulling her along. Guards seemed to be popping up out of nowhere, causing him to quickly change the direction he was going. Still, he was aware he was strapped. There was no escape from either end of the street. He stopped suddenly, listening to the sounds around him when he heard it again. Turning he took off in another seemingly random direction, a dog suddenly appearing beside them, running along and barking at them before it turned and ran back the way they had just come. Luke suddenly took a turn down a very narrow alleyway, leading the girl to the very edge as he knelt down and lifted up a heavy, round disk covering the ground, leading to the sewers. “After you,” the boy said as he moved aside and practically pushed the girl in, jumping down after and replacing the lid, sealing them into the darkness.