Rhys didn’t know how to answer the man when he asked skeptically if she was ready. Of course she wasn’t, but she needed to hold herself together for now, and so she did. She wasn’t happy when he took her wrist, but they did need to stick together. She was well aware that he needed her right now as well. Without her, he would get picked out in a moment. She followed him, and they moved quickly, but not suspiciously so. For the most part, she kept her head down, only thinking when he paused that she should have suggested leading, since she knew her way around the town. It was a little late now, but hopefully he would be able to get them past the guard. One guard began to ask him about the suspect, and instead of quietly saying that he hadn’t seen anything suspicious, he knocked the guard to the ground, and then took off running. Rhys couldn’t really keep up, not in the dress at least. She stumbled a few times, but he didn’t let her go. She couldn’t discern which directions he was choosing, and just followed along, keeping her feet moving to keep up with him. When he finally stopped, it was only to lift the edges of sewer drain. Surely he was setting it up so guards would think they went down when instead they were going somewhere else. “What?!” Rhys had kept her cool with everything that had been done so far, but going into a sewer to escape was the final straw. She opened her mouth to outright refuse, when he literally pushed her in. The fall wasn’t far, fortunately, though Rhys had no way of knowing that ahead of time. Rhys landed in a way that she knew was going to form a bruise, and she began to get up only to be bathed in darkness. It was only about 5 feet tall, and she had to duck a little in order to stand, her hand holding one of the walls. “I can’t see…” She said softly, her voice shaking. She reached out with her other hand, unsure of which direction they were even going. “And the smell…” She began to gag, which was made worse by her general state of panic. “Sir? Are you there?” She asked, still whispering. The guards up on the street above them couldn’t likely hear anything down there, but she was terrified, and somehow whispering kept her from crying. It was beginning to set in, though. She had run away from home with a man whose name she didn’t even know, a man she knew was a wanted criminal. What was she thinking? Maybe she could still turn back, apologize to the guard and say that she was so scared of the man that she had gone along with what he had told her to do.