"Come on Mom! Come on Dad we're going to be -LATE-." On the steps of King's Cross station a young boy around 12 seemed to be practically dancing up and down with excitement, a huge grin on his face and a spark in his eyes. Still struggling up the ramp with a cart a man and woman just shook their heads at each other and after catching up the their son put an arm on either side of them as the walked in. The three didn't get a single glance as they made the walk to platform 9. To be honest they looked like any other muggle family. Being raised as such for sure helped blend in, and to be honest Toby was glad. He watched a few others run into the wall and gulped before his father bent him down and whispered to him. "Now THAT looks like fun son." He winked at him and patted him on the head before giving the boy a hug. His mother on the other hand was a bit more dramatic moving his hair around trying to savor every last sight of him before he left for school. She did her best to not cry in front of him and instead finally gave him a big hug and made him promise to write to her at least once a week. Of course to escape the public affection Toby promised and situated his shirt. In the end he gave his mom a hug back and smiled at them once more before taking a deep breath and running right at the wall. He tried, he really did try not to close his eyes but instinct took over and he did. The sight he saw when he opened them however was one of the best he could have ever imagined. He stood wide-eyed and in shock at the bustle and hustle and in so doing was sent flying by the next trolley that came out of the wall. He mumbled an apology and got his things back together ignoring the irritated meowing of his kitten and pushed himself to the beautiful train. Some older students helped him with his luggage and after taking Castiel from her cage he smiled and thanked them for the help before stepping into the corridor. "Time to make friends I suppose." He thought to himself. He didn't walk for long before coming to a compartment with two red-headed girls and a brown haired boy. They all seemed pretty nice so he stood awkwardly in the doorway with Castiel clawing around his neck. "Mind if I join you guys?"