Glad to see your interest. I want to apologize to you all for going back on my word and not putting up a OOC today. Tomorrow it will definitely be up and you can start posting your characters to it. For anybody who has already expressed interest and also those who are interested now, here is a basic skeleton for your characters that you can get a head start on. Name: Age: Race: (Caucasian, Dark-skinned, Oriental, Eastern, etc.) Class: (Knight, Bowman, Town guard, Serf, Nobleman/Woman, etc. Feel free to be creative). Appearance: (Picture please, written description optional as addition, no anime pictures). Weapon(s): (If any). Armour: (As above). Place of birth: (If somewhere not provided on the list please add description of town/homestead/city. If from a foreign land, please consult me as this is a persistent world of sorts). Brief History: Sexuality: Marital Status: Other: (More may be added to the CS when the OOC is posted).