Aurellius did the only thing he could do as Aslin approached. She seemed to think the idea of his jaw being dislocated funny. He glared at the woman as she leaned against a tree, catching her breath. "[b]Hoih. Yhu. Ah neehd yher help.[/b]" he said, getting angrier after each word. "[b]Fish muh muf. Jush grahb iterr somethurn and twisht.[/b]" Aslin however, just giggled more at Aurellius's fractured speech, but figured that for the sake of the team it'd do her better to fix his plight than it would be to sit there and laugh at him. "Alright, hang on," Aslin said, as she stuck her katana into the ground by the blade and knelt down by Aurellius. She grabbed his jaw and rather brutishly shoved it back into place. Aurellius groaned rather loudly due to the pain of having his jaw forcibly moved. "[b]Ffffuck, that hurt. You coulda been a little, I dunno, softer. You are a girl, aren't you?[/b]" He sighed, leaning back, rubbing his chin with his left hand. "[b]You look better some how. Lemme guess, more magic shit?[/b]" He groaned again. "[b]Nevermind that, why are you the only person here? Where's the Bookworm and Miss Leader?[/b]" Aslin pulled her sword back out of the ground. She looked around; shouldn't the others be here by now? "I... I don't know, I lost them when I got ambushed myself." "[b]Eh, I'm sure they'll be fine on their own. We got problems of our own. Now, while I was thinking, y'know, being unable to talk lets you do a bit of that.[/b]" He pondered, letting out a bit of a chuckle. "I'm pretty sure wherever these Atlas bastards have their equipment, or at least a base of operations nearby." Aslin chuckled ruefully to herself, wishing Aurellius would do less talking and more thinking more often. "[b]Aaaand.[/b]" Aurellius said, walking to one of the corpses, reaching down and patting the man down. "[b]I think this little baby here might tell us where.[/b]" He held up a small handheld pad, showing a map of the area. A blinking dot called 'Base' was nearby. "Yeah, but as ready as you are to run off into the base alone and die on your own, we should find the others first. I'd rather, ya know, not die?" Aslin grabbed the map out of Aurellius's hands and just as she did, noticed that a small blue dot winked out of existence. If she had to guess, she'd assume that was a soldier breathing his last. And unless he was gored by a very angry deer, she could reasonably guess that was where the rest of the team was. "C'mon," Aslin said, as she started walking towards the direction of the blip. "Let's get the rest of our team first; they're this way." "[b]Aww, come on. I'm not talking about strolling in their base and killing everyone. I only really wanna borrow a few things. Maybe a vehicle or two. Some weapons too. You never know what you might be able to grab in five minutes.[/b]" he whined, appearing pretty damn bored. "We can do that after getting our friends!" Aslin yelled back, having already dissapeared into the treeline. "[b]And wouldn't our team mates be so proud of us for the christmas gifts...[/b]" he said with yet another sigh, slowly running after her.