[i]"And that is my story." [/i] Steel looked over at Tyran before looking back at Katya. "I guess we can give you a hand. After all, as far as I know, he's still a titan and titans help each oth-" She stopped speaking as she heard Tyran take a deep breath. "Mansion security has been breached. Possibly two intruders." He said quietly as he began to power up his defensive systems. He could feel the energy flowing to his arms as they began to shift into cannon mode. [i]"And that is my mask."[/i] Steel whirled around and saw Grant in the mansion.and she focused as the silvery, unknown alloy covered her body as she took up a defensive stance in front of Katya. "Let's all just calm down." She said slowly. "Tyran. Keep an eye out for anyone else, Grant...calm down, Katya, I'll hold onto the mask for now so we don't have a firefight in the mansion." [i]“You’re wrong brother, it’s not your mask anymore, it’s mine…”[/i] Steel turned around and saw Sable holding a gun to the back of Grant's head. "Tyran! Keep an eye on the both of them." She said as she turned to look at Sable. "Keep calm and put down the gun." She said slowly. [b]Outside Second City[/b] [i]Locate the target. Destroy it.[/i] Parallex thought as he emerged from the portal and took note of his surroundings. His fists and eyes were glowing with barely restrained energy. He knew that this was Second City, but it looked as if it hadn't been destroyed yet. Which meant that if he wanted answers on where the target could be located there was only once place to go for answers.. The Titan's mansion.