Here's my CS folks. Terrible sorry for vanishing. I'm recovering from an allergic reaction. I've been sleeping and just returned from the hospital/clinic. Please bear with me. @Albiero I received your CS via PM and will get back to you very soon. @Everyone else Ditto what I mentioned above for Albiero. Once I get a few more hours of sleep, I'll be sure to jump right back into the thick of things. --- [b][u]Real World[/b][/u] Name: Lillian Coughlin Birthday: December 14, 2036 [hider=Appearance:] (Painting of Lillian by a friend.) [img][/img][/hider] Born with a small frame at 5’6”, Lillian is pale in complexion with short kept black hair with strands of white. She has a forlorn look about her gained from living through World War III and the dark years followed shortly after. Often times, as mandated by her office attire standards, she adheres to business professional and casual attire. When she’s off of work, she tries to practice good fashion sense as much as possible though her income can’t support the decadence that the noble class relishes in. Occupation: Public Relations at Logic (Logic Pad Providers) Biography: Born and raised in the South with her parents and younger sister, Lillian’s life was average. She went to school, participated in sports, and helped her dad in his shop. When Lillian turned nine, her world was torn apart as the great war started. During the early days of World War III, many of her family’s friends were drafted into the North American Trade Federation’s military. Borders were redrawn everywhere. Every night, the TV bristled with horrible scenes of trademark cities being blown to bits and battlefields bathed in infernos. At school, air raid drills and nuclear fallout responses drills were made into a daily thing. Though she was far away from the east coast — where many of the bombs fell — soldiers littered the streets as curfew and other laws were enacted. Propaganda filled with motivation to work for the country and ‘fight for the liberty of N.A.T.F’ were posted everywhere. Her hands were put to work as children helped produce ration packs for the military. Because of decreasing amounts of food, Lillian stole food from the ration pile. She was caught and was punished for it. While she learned to stay out of trouble, more infractions were committed, and the military was never shy in ‘educating’ her. The dark years hadn’t been kind to any of the survivors of the war. Lillian — for the first time in her life — killed civilians in self-defense as murder and more primal deeds of humanity surfaced. Morality was almost non-existent, for the good samaritans were the first to be met by a robbers desperation. That was what had taken her father’s and mother’s life. From then on, no matter who it was except for her sister, everything and everyone was an enemy in her eyes. The lesson that the dark years had taught her came at a great cost, but it allowed her sister and her to survive. Ten years slowly rumbled by. Lillian was close to giving up hope of the civilized world she had grown up in until she came face to face with the Council’s military. Relocated almost immediately to the green zones — locations that hadn’t been hit by the nuclear holocaust. Upon arrival, the shock of moving from survival of the fittest back into civilization was a tremendous undertaking, which she slowly adapted to in time. Soon enough, life was back to normal as she found work within the company Logic. Though the pay was low, it kept her sister and herself off the streets. It wasn’t until Dust came along was she finally able to earn through a different albeit unorthodox way. As the VMMORPG took off, Dust became as part of her life as her work. Though amused by the Council’s new system, Lillian distrusts them. [b][u]Dust Persona[/b][/u] Alias: Asurya Style of Play: Opting to play as an Enlightened Warlock, Lillian focuses immensely on Necromancy where she commands the dead and departed while stealing essence from the living to fuel her own well-being or use to bolster her pool of mana. Appearance: Created nearly identical to her, the warlock is 5’7” and a narrow, lithe build. As is with all Enlightened, Asurya had ice-blue luminescent eyes and black hair that reaches down to the nape of her neck. Asurya wears a long black jacket mixed with gold trim with a golden arcane sign on the back. She wears a dark shade of purple pants that tuck neatly into black boots. As with many warlocks, Asurya wields a whitish-grey staff and a small dagger for offerings and personal defense.