[quote=Nemaisare] If you want to include the colours, Milieu, while I quite like the monochrome idea of Schradinger, actually, that whole concept is nice. If you like the colours, it'd be a pretty simple step to go from monchromatic to giving each magical presence a shade of colour. If I'm reading things rightly, the haze of magic is kind of like a mist/light/sensation, however Atlas would be sensing it. And mist and light can be quite colourful. It'd probably be a more subtle thing, and kind of an only out of the corner of his eye(or at the edge of his awareness, fleeting and gone if he focuses on it). So it could make perfect sense to sneak colour in that way, and have him slowly working his way towards learning how to see the colours and understand them, from what started out as monochromatic. [/quote] Yes. I was having trouble visualizing how it would work, but this makes more sense to me. The "mist" of magic acting as a sensation in which the color shade unique to a soul or spirit being trapped in the sort of magic light particle (in the context of how mist/atmosphere traps light and refracts a certain color), always lingering elusively on the edge of his awareness, although he has technically been blind for several years now according to the bio I created, he would have developed some sort of mastery over it by now. But this explanation would help me to write it better @Schradinger: Yeh? Is this kinda what you meant?