[quote=mdk]But just to prove what a boss I am, I've already checked out if the hospital. Definitely need to pace myself a bit but this is all going ludicrously smooth. It was fun to roll around the inpatient rooms and see guys with like, a broken toe, begging for more painkillers. Me and my fat nurse were laughing at everybody. It was great.[/quote] [youtube]oiXaT_1I-vw[/youtube] [quote=mdk]And also, since I'm finally back on wi-fi, I can post some mostly-not-pornographic pictures. You know, so you know I'm not, 'PULLING YOUR LEG.'Tomorrow I get some special stump-shrinker thing that apparently is easier to use than ace wraps. I haven't actually seen the cut itself yet, and I can't imagine a way to take a picture of that that wouldn't also count as a groin shot, so I guess you guys are SOL on that account for now.[/quote] [youtube]6zXDo4dL7SU[/youtube] In all seriousness though, can't you just take a picture of the bottom of your leg without aiming the camera at your crotch?