As the girl asked why he was being chased Luka opened his eyes, lifting his head slightly to look at her as a puzzled expression crossed his face. He sat up and moved to lie on his stomach instead; however his attention wasn’t on her, rather on Endi as the small cat crept forward towards the girl cautiously, keeping low to the ground as if it were stalking prey. She stopped just out of the girl’s reach, somewhere she deemed ‘safe enough’ and raised her head slightly, sniffing lightly. Luka was at a loss for words as he watched the strange behaviour from his friend. “Odd,” he commented instead, completely ignoring the girl’s question. Whilst he didn’t think it to be an unreasonable one, it was also one he was not going to answer. His life was his business, he didn’t ask her about hers, but at the same time this was mostly because he didn’t care. He didn’t plan to have her with him for very long. She’d no doubt prove a hindrance, slow him down. The overall bottom line was he couldn’t allow himself to get attached. “She’s never acted that way before towards… well anyone… except me of course.” Then again he’d never really allowed himself to become so relaxed around another person either, now that he thought about it. Maybe she was simply picking up on that and following in suit. He wasn’t sure really. This was new territory, for the both of them. Still, it didn’t alter the new plan, which was only slightly different from the old one. There was a small town that was a few days travel from here, he’d escort her there and then they’d part ways. Whilst he knew it couldn’t make up for the destruction he’d brought to her life it was certainly better than leaving her back there at the guard’s mercy or leaving her out here to fend for herself. The woods were no safer than anywhere else these days for people. Wild animals prowled, along with bandits. It didn’t matter what species you were, something always seemed to be after you. It wasn’t going to be an easy few days, he was aware of this. Travelling in silence was more difficult when someone was asking you questions. More awkward too. Sighing softly the boy let his eyes close again. “We’ll get moving again once everything is dry, no point gallivanting through the woods whilst we’re both sopping wet.” He said softly as Endi continued her distanced observation of the girl and her behaviour.