"Real World" Name: Richard Onamor Birthday: May, 4th 2048 Appearance: [center][img] http://i.usatoday.net/communitymanager/_photos/dispatches/2011/07/21/bearvictimx-large.jpg[/img][/center] Red short messy hair, and blue eyes compliment his light stubble. His body is thin and weak. Barely able to support himself up for a couple minutes let alone walk. Height: 5' 11" Weight: 145lbs Occupation: Richard is stuck in intesive care due to being stricken with a neuro-muscular disease still uncurable with modern medicine. It is treatable but the treatments are quite expensive, thus using Dust to work off his growing debt. Biography: Imagine being stricken with an illness at birth that rendered you so weak that the act of simply eating tires you out to the point of feinting. Imagine a boy who wasn't even able to walk until the age of ten. Not because he couldn't figure out how but the fact that simply standing on his own weight caused extreme fatigue. Got all that? Now just imagine THAT boy, had parents that could no longer pay the excessive medical bills to simply take care of him due to the poverty stricken area they lived in. Leaving them no choice but to abandon him at age 17 and figure out a way to survive on his own, barely able to leave a hospital bed. Richard almost gave up with life. Smart enough to see that there was no possible way to survive on his own he was tempted to just check himself out of the hospital and try to see how far he can go before he dies from excruciating pain and exhaustion, (Most likely not far) that was until one of the nurses handed him a Logic pad and a headset. "They are giving these things out now, hopefully it'll help you in some way." The nurse said before turning it on. Almost instantly Richard was transferred to an entire new world. Seeing, feeling even smelling an entirely different place unlike his depressing hospital bed. What he loved most of all was when he looked down he was standing! His bare feet touching the grass. Moving his toes and feeling the warm dirt without the pain he was used to. Wandering the tutorial section of the game pushing his avatar to the limits. Running, jumping, rolling and even swimming was painless! It was truly amazing. He promised himself he would thank the nurse first thing when he logs out. When brought back to reality he couldn't help but feel a little depressed, still the smile on his face was wider than his ears. He thanked the nurse a million times over and she quickly explained the ins and outs of the game and how he could earn money to pay for his treatments. "Richard, you can survive... possibly even beat this using that game." The nurse said with a whole hearted smile. Richards eyes grew with hope and instantly dove back in now with a life altering goal in mind. To survive... to live and grow in Dust so that he may live in reality... "Dust Persona" Alias: The Laughing Drake Race: Enlightened Style of Play: Drake is a mix between a swordsman and a pyromancer. His quick reflexes mixed with his moderately high endurance and pain tolerance proved this style to be best suited for him. Since he usually plays alone he tries to get a variety of different ranges in his style to keep the enemy guessing. Ranging from a head on duel with his blade dancing around like group of fireflies in the night, to straight up volleys of fire blanketing a handfull of unsuspecting enemies. He is also suprisingly agile thanks to his enlightened body, obviously sacrificing raw strength in trade for agility, he's unable to weild anything heavier than a longsword. His cloak, sword and armor are all quite high end pieces thanks to his consistant adventuring in Dust as well as quite intimidating. The downside of being bright red and shiny gold is it tends to be very hard to sneak up on anything blinder than an 80 year old man with cataracts. Even though he is quite agile, stealth was never his strong suit anyway. Appearance: [img] http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20131115040058/villains/images/e/ee/The_Regent_of_the_Mask.jpg[/img] Although you'll probabbly never see it, his appearance in game is not unlike his own in reality. The only difference is his overall physique is more athletic in nature as opposed to just plain skinny and emaciated. His eyes glow a pure white which hint a very light gold hue. He also wears a white and gold mask that hides his face along with a thick red halfcloak that is suprisingly light and flame retardant. His armor looks impressive but is more flashy than really protective. Its a little too light to be hit head on with something heavy and would not fare well against hammers or spears.