[quote=SillyGoy] "That Jespir fellow is pretty damn handsome," Ernst muttered as he lay on his bed, his thoughts not allowing him to sleep. "Too damn handsome, in fact. Hell, he's prettier than half the girls back at Rhoen."His brow furrowed deeply at the train of thought he was riding, but soon he could not deny the facts: "Jespir's pretty... well, pretty. Like a woman."Distressed, he put a fist over his mouth and bit a knuckle.( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) [/quote] [quote=Desk Lamp] Jespir stared at the wall, his tired eyes refusing to shut. He had to get some sleep soon. The night was fading, and he was to get up early the next morning. Yet why couldn't he just rest?It was the thought of .That's why he couldn't sleep. The thought of that odd, poor looking young man. What was his name again? Ah, yes, Ernst. For some reason, Jespir could not shake away Ernst's image from his mind. That damn, unkempt, muscular, determined image. An image one might see as plain, but to Jespir was actually quite handsome."Ah, hell..." he swore quietly, shutting his eyes in frustration. The sun was going to rise soon, and still sleep was absent. He ran a hand through his pale hair and sighed. Try as he might, the thought of that oddly charming human remained.( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)XD And the thought of the most innocent character walk into the washroom...magnificently awkward. [/quote] [img=http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m5h2v1Razy1qg9f9k.gif]