Hey, so things have calmed down once again and I find myself with newly-made time to take on a couple (one to two?) more RPs. Most of these are inspired by songs I like. I’m generally looking for mature, high casual-advanced male partners, and am an 18+ female myself. My first interest check can be found [URL=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/56107/posts/ooc]here[/URL]. [b]Rules[/b] [hider=Click] - PMs only, for content’s sake. This is non-negotiable. - Again, this would be high casual-advanced, with emphasis on quality over quantity. I tend to keep my posts at least three paragraphs each time, a lot more if I’m particularly inspired. - All plots are mature/18+. This means please be above 18, and also that I fully expect darker/adult themes to pop up in the roleplay somewhere, whether that be violence, profanity, romance etc. I don’t do fade-to-blacks. Plot > everything else, though there [i]are[/i] exceptions for some where the plot is based solely on character development. - I’m a pretty private person, so please don’t ask me stuff about my life right off the bat. Once we’ve roleplayed awhile though, I’d be real glad to engage in OOC chat and make friends. I’m nice, really! - Contrary to popular belief, I do have a life (gasp!), but I try to reply as often as I can. If I get real busy, I’ll let you know. Please do the same. - Don’t just vanish! If you get bored/uninspired, or want my post altered, tell me. I can take it. Seriously. We can always brainstorm, start again or move on. There’s nothing worse than waiting excitedly on a post that’s never going to arrive. I'll do you the same favor. If I choose to drop, please don't take offense - it's likely me moreso than you. - Multiple characters? Bring it on. I’m more familiar with having one main and a couple side “NPCs”, but I could try something new. Multiple RPs with the same partner? Great, as long as we’ve done one for a considerable time already. - I don’t usually do CSes; characters are described in my intro. - My characters tend to be in their early to mid-twenties in terms of age, and I honestly would prefer yours be the same, unless the plot dictates otherwise.[/hider] So, without further ado, the plots. Click the title for the song which inspired it: [URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqMf8d60wzo]Beat The Devil’s Tattoo[/URL] [hider=Plot]In the dark underbelly of a huge city, one man is responsible for running the illicit drug trade. The boss never does his own “clean-up” work, and instead relies on his right hand man, his “enforcer”, to do the dirty deeds. That enforcer is responsible for dozens of targeted hits, eliminating the drug lord’s enemies and rebellious underlings. He is kept leashed through a free supply courtesy of his calculative employer, and is thoroughly addicted to the product. One day, one of the boss’s own brothers turns against him, attempting a “coup” of sorts in order to hijack the entire business. As revenge, the boss orders his enforcer to kidnap his brother’s daughter – his own niece – and hold her until he receives further orders. This niece could either be completely ignorant of her father’s dealings, or possess some awareness (she could even be assisting with the dealings, or she could be disgusted with the “family business” as a whole). This one would probably contain more “action” (read: brutal violence) than the rest, and have a whole ton of dark themes, so…yeah.[/hider] [URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56V85RkvyQ4]60 Feet Tall[/URL] [hider=Plot]He is the ruthless, sole heir to Sonnenfeld Enterprises, one of the world’s biggest conglomerates, cruel and immensely calculative – at least, on the surface. His father had and still maintains extremely high expectations for him, and is consistently verbally and emotionally abusive. He was taught that sympathy is a worthless concept, and that if he didn’t destroy, he’d be destroyed. The tabloids have referred to him as a “snake”, “soulless” and “colder than an Alaskan winter” amongst other choice descriptors, the perfect successor to his notoriously tyrannical father. With an Ivy League degree and a megawatt smile, he influences and manipulates with all the ease of a trained actor. That all changes one day when a young secretary is found dead in his office, murdered in an obscene and grotesque manner. He immediately becomes the main suspect in the investigation. His father, sensing an oncoming storm, hires the city’s best attorney to defend him. But he makes plans of his own, and disappears off the radar completely. He surfaces in a small town far removed from any major city, the town his birth mother had been from before her untimely death to terminal illness. He makes contact with estranged family members, and moves into a nondescript house bordering the wilderness, living – for the first time – as a “regular” citizen. She’s the local troublemaker, the school dropout, the young woman whom most everyone has given up on. Living with a drug-addicted uncle, she can handle her drink as well as she handles a rifle. She enjoys hunting and works various jobs to pay her bills. Her past is speckled with mistakes, regrets and various forms of trauma, though she never lets it show on the surface. People know her as impossibly headstrong, aggressive, and resentful of the immensely wealthy. In other words, the complete opposite of the stereotypical “small town girl”. The two people who are used to getting their way meet, clash, and maybe, eventually, influence the other to change. But for the better, or worse?[/hider] [URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zAAOZRfJ0Y]Solitary Man[/URL] [hider=Plot]He’s a silver-tongued grifter and conman, having spent most of his adult life cheating people out of their savings. He is intelligent, observant and confident; but due to a rough upbringing, he’s also highly cynical and disillusioned with life, a notorious womanizer who has embarked on a slew of failed relationships, none of which have succeeded in filling the void in his soul. He makes up for this hollowness through an existence of material excess, maybe even struggling with other personal weaknesses. He doesn’t appear to have a conscience – at least, not on the surface – and his rampant misdeeds have resulted in the suicides of several desperate victims. She’s the only daughter of wealthy parents, whose expectations have begun to drag her under. The sole inheritor of an enormous fortune, she is protected, idealistic…and the conman’s latest target. He finds she is the complete opposite of everything he’s ever believed in, a woman who still believes in the inherent goodness of others. He’s learned everything about her, having done extensive “research” into her reclusive lifestyle. He “accidentally” encounters her, and earns her trust along the way. But when he finally gets closer to his initial goal, he begins, for the first time, to question his own motives.[/hider] [URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQJPYG-8lng]The Gilded Hand[/URL] [hider=Plot]He’s a prisoner on death row, sentenced as such for his part in a series of brutal murders (whether or not he’s actually guilty of those murders is completely up to you). As part of an “outreach program” to provide final comfort to the condemned, he receives a letter from an unknown woman, and they start to communicate on a regular basis. Eventually, she visits him at the prison where they meet face-to-face. He confides in her that she’s the first person who has shown him any form of compassion. The day of his execution, as he’s being transferred to the “death house”, he manages to break free and escapes into the wilderness. The first thing he does is attempt to track down the one person in the world who still cares. When he finds her, he also finds that there are things he hadn’t known about her previously. She could be married, a criminal herself, someone who played a part in his arrest…a lot of possibilities, really.[/hider] [URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZup5YLOWLE]Midnight Rider[/URL] [hider=Plot]This one’s a little more straightforward – cross-country road trip! Our characters, for one reason or another, spend time sorting out their problems and throwing caution to the wind. They stay up all night drinking, eat in greasy diners at early hours of the morning, and essentially do considerably reckless things in an attempt to find some meaning in their lives. At the same time, they find out more about each other where they began as complete strangers. I thought it’d be fun for this one if our characters were polar opposites of some kind, or if one of them was more of a lone wolf type of person. We could throw in more plot twists as we go along, but for this one I’m thinking the drama would really have to be constant.[/hider] [URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ZKB-ZQTkO8]For What It’s Worth[/URL] [hider=Plot]This one takes place during the Vietnam War. He’s an idealistic young marine, sent overseas to fight in a war for a cause he isn’t even sure of. Joining the marines could’ve been a way out where he would’ve become a criminal, or out of sheer patriotism. During the course of his time there, he lost close friends and is sworn to secrecy when he witnesses some of his comrades commit terrible atrocities. As a result of all this, he loses faith in the war and himself, and finds himself going with his friends to a sleazy club where he sits alone while his friends entertain themselves with the girls. During this time, he’s approached by one of the newer girls, who seems unsure of her own reasons for working at such a spot. She harbors dreams of a better life for herself and her family, and somehow believes he can give that to her. More plot twists can be thrown in later on this one – I’ve got a couple in mind already, but we can work on those in OOC.[/hider] [URL=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/67362/posts/ooc?page=1#post-2091086]The Evil That Men Do[/URL] (Plot contained on a separate thread; click the title to go to said thread.) [b]Others[/b] [hider=Click] - WWI, post-WWI, prohibition era - WWII era, combat medic/local nurse (European theater, possibly winter months.) - WWII era, soldier/local civilian (European theater, Pacific theater, or post-war.) - WWII era, other (Anything else you can think of.) - Crime (Lots of ideas for this one; I have a huge love for dark crime dramas.) - Western (I’m not too familiar with that era, but I’d be interested in playing something out in that setting, maybe something similar to [i]True Grit[/i].) - Science fiction (Again, lots of ideas for this one, but I generally like to keep it dark, gritty and as realistic as possible. I’m particularly fond of space wars and insurmountable odds.) - Medieval fantasy (Not so much the happy "let's go adventuring!" sort, but rather half-dead heroes fighting for a lost cause, gray areas where our characters battle their own consciences...) - Urban fantasy (Fantasy in a modern setting; I'm getting extremely bored of vampires and werewolves, but I'm possibly interested in trying something with [i]Constantine[/i] vibes to it.) - Post-apocalyptic (Zombies? Sure! Nuclear war? Let's do it. Failure of modern technology, leading to a new stone age? Done, and done.) - Cyberpunk (Characters get stuck in a video game, a dark city run by an AI...) - Steampunk (Dark steampunk/atompunk etc, a la the game [i]Dishonored[/i], [i]The Order 1886[/i], the [i]Bioshock[/i] series...) - Slice-of-life, other (Stuff not included above; just hit me up, if you like.)[/hider] I’m also open to any ideas you might have! If there’s something you’ve been dying to try, and think I’d be a good match as a RP partner, throw it at me anyway. I’ll also add more plot ideas as they come to mind. In the meantime, [b]PM me if you’re interested[/b], and thanks for reading my thread!