Howdy, folks. I've been feeling like complete ass all day - or I would have replied earlier - but no longer! The deed is done and judgement has been rendered. These are the final players, and final corrections to their sheets where appropriate. [b]Acrolith's Taula[/b] [b]Chromane's Roderick:[/b] We've talked. [b]Hank's Nykerius:[/b] We'll have to discuss the details of your weather spells at some point. No particular rush, though. [b]Lexicon's Riven:[/b] Just remember that poisons will be a lot less effective against more powerful opponents. Conversely, don't be afraid to play up your combat abilities. Swatting arrows out of the air is perfectly acceptable for a dedicated warrior, for example. [b]Nemaisare's Sir:[/b] I rarely complain about these things, but I still have a creeping suspicion your character might be too weak. Oh well, you'll adapt. [b]Raptorman's Lin'Lise:[/b] I tend to take a very narrow view of blanket immunities. The weapon is acceptable - but I'm not allowing it any protection against indirect effects of magic. As for the wands, a wand might speed up healing, but it does so in the same sense that modern equipment speeds up surgery. With arcane healing, you can't ever just zap someone and let the wounds heal themselves, unless you want to fuse his ribcage together and give him cancer. Now then. I'm about half-done with the introductory IC post, and I imagine I will want to explain further how I was thinking we'd handle this game, so please hold off on replying to the IC post even if it comes up without further instructions. To everyone who sent in sheets and weren't selected, thank you very much for your interest, and I hope I'll see you in future games. It was wonderful to get to think about things like depth of character, story potential and so on rather than worry about whether the sheets even fulfill my basic writing requirements. If the game turns out as well as the interest thread, you can be sure it won't be my last. There's a risk the painkillers might run out before I finish the IC post, but hopefully I'll be done tonight.