[quote=K-97] I've learnt to love Coffee over a few months during exam season; at first it was mainly to stay up longer and the bitter taste was something I dealt with but over time I learnt to appreciate it (sort of like Dark Chocolate; which I also love). Honestly for me now a well made coffee in the morning is a godsend. Oh and something I read a while back, although I can't vouch for it myself if the reason you don't like coffee is the bitterness then using a technique called cold steeping is supposed to make less far less bitter. Although if your a die hard coffee hater its probably not worth the effort simply because it takes a while (12+ hours) to cold steep coffee properly so you'd probably do it overnight. However if you really want to drink coffee then there is a potential solution. [/quote] [quote=Raxacoricofallapatorius] Unless you put a significant amount of cream and sugar (like, more than actual coffee) it's still going to be bitter. I take 1 creamer and 2 sugars in mine normally and it's still very bitter. But if I wanted a mocha I'd have like 1/3 of it milk and with 2 or 3 scoops of cocoa powder, which has sugar in it, and it's pleasantly sweet not to mention chocolatey. [/quote] Yeaah... Why would I try so hard to make myself like coffee if I already generally dislike it, and I also already stated that I'm not keen on the idea of needing it to wake up each morning? Like, I don't enjoy coffee. I don't plan on experimenting a bunch with it in order to make myself like it, cuz I have no real need or desire.