Joseph let out a laugh and shook his head, "No it's quite alright, I should agree with you there, it's not exactly the best circumstances, now is it?" He hastily bowed back, in all the excitement he really had let his manners go. How embarrassing! But not too soon after he had found Roland, two other arrived, one he recognized as one of the Crew's Medics, and another Passenger. "Ah, Alana, glad to see you survived as well!" he greeted, bowing first to her, and then to the other man, "I'm fine, honestly, but perhaps you should listen to this gentleman here, you seem to be in a rough shape yourself." He brushed his hair back and tilted his head slightly in thought. "Well, I would say it was an order from your Captain, but as I explained to this fine young man here," he gestured to Roland, "I have no more ship. So, perhaps you should take this as advice from one friend to the next. Have a look at yourself, why don't you? We can't have another death on our hands after... Well, after such a thing has already happened."