[b]Name:[/b] Thaddeus Fitch [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Sex:[/b] Male [b]Mutations:[/b] Minor shape-shifting and super speed [b]Appearance:[/b] Generally about 5'6", somewhat tanned, and with fairly short hair, Thaddeus will usually have small spines visible on various parts of his body (e.g. a cluster at each temple, a line running down the length of both ulnae, etc., depending on how he feels at the time). Other than that, he looks much like any wiry, athletic young man of the non-mutant variety. [b]Abilities:[/b] [hider=Shape-shifting] -Minor regeneration (increased resistance to toxins, almost immediate closure/repair of minor injuries, greatly increased recovery speed for anything more extensive) -Heightened/adjustable senses (normal senses are greatly improved over those of normal humans, can make slight adjustments in the form of temporary improvements by focusing on a sense [e.g. focus on sight to briefly be able to see into the infrared range of the spectrum, etc.] -Calcite re-structuring (using combination of carbon and calcium, along with other minerals stored in the body, to harden the skin, grow spines, and even launch those spines as respectable projectiles if the need arises. Growth not disconnected from the body can be reabsorbed for later use) -Cosmetic alterations (slight adjustments to height, hair length, pigmentation, etc.)[/hider] [hider=Super speed] -Blindingly fast movement speed -Increased mental processing speed to keep up with the speed at which information needs to be processed when moving exceptionally fast[/hider] [b]Skills:[/b] -In-depth knowledge of anatomy allows Thaddeus to land any hits much more effectively, as well as assess and treat injuries with great accuracy and speed (given the appropriate tools, or at least supplies sufficient for improvising the necessary tools for whatever the injury may be). -Study of nature sciences and botany have included a variety of subjects, ranging from what is and is not safe to eat, to what certain patterns in plant and animal life can mean with regards to the local environment and directions, to what plants have what basic medicinal properties. -Decent mastery of somewhat advanced unarmed combat (primarily forms closely resembling those of jiu-jitsu from human society). -Highly accurate at hitting things from a distance -Reasonably proficient with whatever types of weaponry are common in the mutant society -Incredibly high tolerance for pain (possibly brought on by the fact that he grows spines out from his skeletal structure, possibly just a side-effect of the regenerative properties of his mutation). [b]Personality:[/b] Though typically very playful and fun-loving, Thaddeus does have a rarely-seen serious side. His usual outlook, however, is to just enjoy himself and do all that there is to be done. He is often very outspoken, trying to make things fun for everyone around, not just for him (with varying degrees of success at times). [b]Goals:[/b] Thaddeus' driving objective is, quite simply put, to experience [i]everything[/i] that there is. He has an overwhelming curiosity, and an insatiable appetite for exploration of all sorts. As such, when he heard that he might have the opportunity to finally go somewhere [i]new[/i] (having already explored essentially everything he deemed to be of interest on the island), he leaped at the chance. [b]Fears/Weaknesses:[/b] As stated above, Thaddeus' curiosity is rather overwhelming, which can cause him to take rather unnecessary risks, rather than stopping to consider the possible consequences of his actions. Additionally, his particular mutations have the unsurprising side effect of an unbelievably fast metabolism (and an appetite and required caloric and nutritional intake to match). If he goes too long without eating sufficiently (or taking in a decent variety of nutrients), various aspects of his mutant abilities begin to slow down (reduced movement speed, restrictions on shape-shifting, etc., depending on what is lacking from his diet). Also requires significantly more food than a normal person of about his size and build should have any reason to need. [b]Bio:[/b] While his mutations wound up as an interesting blending of those of his parents, his personality was almost a carbon-copy of his mother's, and he grew up emulating her adventurous spirit and reckless nature. He did make himself sit through his father's lessons in weapon use and safety, since his father [i]is[/i] a ranking member of the security force, but the only reason he was able to retain any of those teachings was courtesy of his heightened mental processing speed allowing him to catch the information while still daydreaming and planning out his next exploration. When his father sent him to practice martial arts, however, it was a whole other matter entirely. For that, he suddenly found himself able to concentrate fully on something, without even thinking about his next exploration at all during the lessons. The only other lessons during which he could actually focus were the ones that would be useful for either of his real passions (martial arts and exploration), such as anatomy or botany, though he continued through with all of his studies for as long as he could, because his father insisted that he receive a well-rounded education. When he eventually caught wind of the opportunity to actually leave the island, he was absolutely ecstatic, and rushed off to get into the screening process as quickly as possible. Edit: I got so wrapped up in writing the actual CS that I forgot to mention the Handfork of Truth, which we must all Behold!