After gathering some extra relics, Kito decided to set off in search of some new Natrelmon, hoping to add some new members to his team. After debating with himself for twenty minutes, he settled on heading into the forest, figuring a large variety of Natrelmon would be there. And since he was a breeder, it would help him gather the Natrelmon he'd need for his own farm in the future. Keeping his wits about him, he slowly entered the darkened forest, which apparently seemed even darker now that it was evening. His first twelve minutes produced nothing for him, save for a cut on his arm from a low branch he didn't see. After taking a brief rest, he heard something in the bushes ahead of where he sat, about thirty feet from him. Slowly standing and bracing for an ambush from another human being, he discovered it was actually a wild Metosune. Watching it carefully, it seemed to stare back, as if it was eager for a fight. Lifting his hand, Kito held his ring up towards the creature, "Sakura-re, I call for your assistance." he said, the gem flashing brightly. Kito watched as two orbs formed near Sakura-re, "Place the Light of Indolu twenty feet ahead of you, and the Light of Ielle twelve feet to your left." he instructed her. Kito knew he had an advantage over Metosune with Sakura-re's typing, but he wasn't sure how strong his opponent really was. Once the orbs were set, he saw his opponent charge forward for a couple seconds, then release a cylinder of dark energy straight at them. Kito barely had time to move out of the line of fire, though his Natrelmon took a direct hit due to his delayed reaction time. It was clear his opponent was going to try taking them out as fast as possible. Looking towards Sakura-re, he expected her to be somewhat tired already, but was surprised to see she was still up and ready to fight. [i]That's right, Light types are resistant to Dark moves, so an attack like that one won't hurt her as much as it should.[/i] he thought to himself. "Right, let's go. Disperse your seeds before using Gaiashock." he called. Metosune was already moving to avoid the attack, headed to the right, opposite the orbs. However, in anticipation of the tactic, Sakura-re had waited until it moved before launching the green orb to where it would move to. It hit and caused the creature to stumble left a few feet. Kito smirked, while the attack did little damage, it helped to direct Metosune in the direction favorable to Sakura-re. The creature now charged up a black ball of energy and released it, aiming straight for one of Sakura-re's roots. "Evade, quickly!" he shouted, watching her dodge to the left. Kito watched as the Light of Ielle moved two feet to the right, knowing Sakura-re had an idea. He caught on and chuckled to himself, "Alright, one more Gaiashock attack should do it." he called. Metosune waited until the last moment to move out of the way, avoiding the attack, but landing close enough to the Light of Indolu to be open to attacks from it's light radius. This time, the creature used an attack involving jutting spikes, which hit. Kito noticed that Sakura-re was starting to get tired, she couldn't take too many more strong hits like that. He had to end the fight, and now. "Right! Now Sakura-re! Radiant Star!" he shouted to her. The attack came from the Light of Indolu and struck Metosune almost instantly, causing it to tumble to the right. Afterwards, it tried to stand, only to fall back to the ground, glaring in anger at Kito. "You still want to fight? You sure are stubborn, but I'm not interested in fighting to the death. All I want is to catch as many Natrelmon as I can and open a breeding farm. So, with that said..." he reaches into his pocket and grabs one of his relics, pulling out a medallion on a silver chain. "...I'll go ahead and try to catch you. Medallion, I command you to ensnare Metosune!" he chanted. The medallion glowed black, in accordance with Metosune's appearance and primary type, the creature disappearing as it was absorbed into the relic. The medallion turned a solid black color, signifying Metosune had been successfully captured within. Looking towards Sakura-re, he smiled, "You fought well, my friend, go ahead and take a rest. You earned it." he said, holding the ring up. He put the medallion on and looked in the direction he came, "Probably not a wise idea to stay here for much longer, Sakura-re and Metosune are weak, and Elwis won't do so well against any other Dark-types that might show up. I think I'll call it a night and try again in the morning." he said to himself. He made his way out of the forest and back towards the city without incident, stopping to get directions to a hotel, being told to head in the direction of what was called the Red Nakumo restaurant. After thanking the individual, he headed in the direction he was pointed in, hoping to finally get some rest.