As the train rattled away through the hills, the conversation between the group reignited. Though there was certainly something still off, the friends could abandon the feeling, for at least now, for they were more interested in actually catching up with eachother as opposed to feeling sorry for eachother. As usual, Calvin wasn't the most talkative of the group, but he did contribute his part and showed a great deal of interest as each of his friends threw their metaphorical hat in to the ring in terms of summer stories - and even though they weren't as good as last year, they still brought a smile to Calvin's face, as even in what - to be put bluntly, was a [i]shitty[/i] summer, each of them had all had bright points. Calvin - for example, had really enjoyed the time spent with his mother. Even though she was there 24/7, some parts of the holiday had really been special. Just them sitting there and talking. He knew she was lonely and she appreciated that he spent time with her, and he was glad, because he enjoyed it too. Before he knew it they were barely five minutes from Hogwarts, so he quickly pulled out his blue-detailed Ravenclaw robe and pulled it over his casual clothes. He wouldn't normally wear normal clothes like this under his uniform, but he wasn't about to take it all off in front of everyone and change. It was a flawed system really. He frowned and peered out the window, realising that the train was pulling in to Hogsmead station - the end of the line. Hogwarts was in sight. It looked just as magnificent and amazing as it had the first time he laid eyes upon it seven years ago. He stood up and walked out beside Zef, putting a hand on his friend's shoulder and reminding him to avoid the doorframe, eager to save Zef any cool points if he could. After collecting up his luggage, he went over to claim one of the carriages that were pulled by thestrals. Of course, Calvin couldn't see them. Apparently, you had to have seen someone die to see them, and Calvin never had. Frankly, he would rather not see them and avoid having to watch someone die than vice versa. He had had them described to him by people who could see them before, and it was kind of fascinating. He used to think they were just magical carriages. He supposed that most things that just seemed 'magic' did actually have something behind it. Soon later, the carriage arrived at Hogwarts and the friends uttered goodbyes to eachother as they moved over to separate tables, save for Adelie and Rin, who went off to sit together on the Gryffindor table. Calvin took a seat by a group of Ravenclaw students who he knew wouldn't talk to him, which was exactly what he was going for. Not that he was a dick or anything, he just didn't really like talking to people just for the sake of talking. It was annoying that most friendship groups were within a house, as when the houses were separated it left Calvin on his own. He didn't care about other people mocking him, as in that way he really didn't care at all, but he could use his friends' company to help burn through the time. Professor Cybin stood up and cleared his throat, calming the ongoing noise that Calvin hadn't noticed until this moment. "Good evening, students, welcome back to Hogwarts. Please welcome our new first years." The headmaster spoke out as the doors at the back of the hall opened and droves of new students entered, all looking very nervous. It was the sorting ceremony. "Ah, this crap," Calvin muttered to himself, glancing over at the wall as the thing went in to full flow.