Good evening, day, morning, whatever it happens to be for all of you folks, call me Eisenhorn. Been roleplaying on and off for a good couple of years now, at least a good length of time in my head, although without spell check I would still be doomed more often than not! Beyond that, I do enjoy certain subjects more than others, though I'm willing to give most things at least one honest go before deciding one way or another. Being a massive science fiction nut (Starcraft and Warhammer 40k being my two main loves in that regard!), I'm all for anything in that regard. Fantasy of all sorts, High, Low, Dark, Modern, whatever really. I don't generally do a lot of fandom stuff (What I call anime/tv based roleplays, to clarify any potential misunderstandings there) but I don't mind one every now and again. Can't think of too much else to mention, so I'll close out with that then. I look forward to getting into the flow of things here, and meeting some interesting folks of course.