I'm thinking more WoW type system online. I'm familiar with several types of MMO, so I'm thinking of something like WoW online. There's classes, professions, and races. We can borrow those from WoW if you want, or just come up with our own groups. The quest can be similar to that of Sword Art online. Defeat a multiple dungeon tower. This would explain why they need to work together, as in MMOs, you need a healer in every group when questing. So, whoever's the fighter is known as one of the best, and he wants to prove it by doing the tower pretty much alone. He asks the healer. They know each other from trading, so we should have professions where trading would be necessary. They had started when they were beginners, and become quite successful and well known. Their trading has also proven an advantage in the rest of the quests, because it allows their items to be stronger than most and that allows them to be two of the best players. I'm just kind of coming up with things based on my experience, so you can change, add, or subract anything you want. I'm thinking that there be two character sheets. One for online, and one for offline. I'll come up with what I think should be on those after we get this part down.