I have two ideas to use and the one I pick will be chosen by popularity. First Idea- The typical start out to a RWBY RP that I have seen. We are all new students at the Beacon Academy and we are preparing for our Field Test and team forming. While I am not opposed to this Idea, I Personally like the second idea better. Second Idea- [IMG]http://i61.tinypic.com/hwwjuo.png[/IMG] This is the World Map of Remnant. The reason I show you this, is because in this idea we don't start out at any of the cities. I would like this idea to be a bit further into the future. But basically, We would be starting out in the bottom right island there, directly in the center of it. There's a "base" ran by a group of four legendary Hunters/huntresses who run their own private operation. The training is physically demanding and mentally crushing. These Hunters/huntresses personally select each apprentice. Each of them special in some way(obviously.) The island we are on is infested with old grimm, and While they don't provoke, they are old and dangerous. Which is why we train there. Maybe looking for 4-8 people. And I will create an OOC with much much more detail about our goals and stuff.