Slipping into one of his velvet like suits, resistant to scratches and bites for the most part, a mischievous gleam shines in Alexi's eyes. [i]'Oh ho? Sounds like I am going to have some fun here. Chocolate aside, which of course has so many fun ways to be served, I think I want to show him how the upper crust does seafood. Though I do not want to be completely snooty, so a milder set-up. . .'[/i] His outfit is surprisingly simple for how flamboyantly bedecked he normally is, his underclothes made of tough but still comfortable material while the velvet deep purple suit feels warm and cuddly. Closing the wardrobe Alexi gives Erik a smile before wandering over to where he dropped his phone. [i]'I should give him a call to figure out how long I am going to be working with the new slaves, and let him know that I am feeling better. . . .In a way'[/i] Digging around in the folds of his clothing he finally locates the little handful of technology, plopping down on his bed as he flips it open. -Hi Joseph. Feeling better. How many new ones today?- Flipping it closed he slips it into his pocket before standing up. Looking over at his guest he tilts his head. “I am going to head down to the kitchen, see what is on the menu for dinner, then attend to a few house duties. Joseph should be back soon with some new slaves, and I will have to take care of that before coming back for the evening. It may take a while, but I promise to try and come back for dinner. I think it would be nice to share at least one meal a day.” ~*~*~*~*~ Sliding over to another member of the rescue team Mois lends a hand moving a particularly heavy bit of debris off the mangled body of one of the factory workers. [i]'This was a really well made bomb. Only a handful of survivors thus far, but there's still the basement. That's the shelter area. We should find a good number of slaves down there. . .'[/i] The elder Vandros reviews the scene with a kind of detachment that many of his fellows find enviable. He works hard, his hair sweat slicked and plastered across his forehead and neck, his jacket lost somewhere and his sleeves pushed up high. When he had arrived at the sight he had taken a moment to simply look, to take it all in. The factory was completely destroyed. Not even a single support beam had survived the blast. At first he'd been confused. Alexi has excellent precautions in place against bombs, however as the techs began reconstructing the explosion it became clear that the bomb had come from the outside. [i]'An air strike, of all things. Where did they manage to get a hold of missiles? It's not like they're common or anything, and they haven't been used in a very long time. Even after finding them though, they would need a launcher. Those were even rarer. . .'[/i] His thoughts on the matter tumble over and over as he works beside the other police and rescuers.