[i]“You’re wrong brother, it’s not your mask anymore, it’s mine…”[/i] Grant exhaled and cracked his neck rather loudly. [i]Sable.[/i] As he did so, the sound of a hammer being pulled back followed by the click of a round entering the chamber hit his ears. [i]Odd. I thought she was with the Blue lantern Corps. Unless it's a construct.[/i] Deep in his musing, he looked across at Tyran and Lady Steel. The cyborg was in full combat mode, and were he not already unable to move, the cyborg would certainly pose a formidable threat. The woman beside him, the one encasing herself in metal, was another interesting variable. She looked as if she could handle herself, and he wasn't sure what kind of metal it was she used. Therefore, he wasn't certain his sword could even scratch, let alone cut her. The real, much more immediate problem was his sister. Though he was stronger than her, the two were on a par in speed and reaction timing. She could easily put a bullet in him before he could even reach for his sword. Strength counted for very little facing off against someone like his sister, someone with whom he was evenly matched. Of course there were the differences between their chosen styles-he with the sword, she with the gun-but that was what gave her the advantage at the moment, even if she was within his range. She didn't have to even be close to kill him, were killing what she wanted to do. [i]If She wanted me dead, she would've already pulled the trigger.[/i] It was puzzling to him, really. What was her motivation for this? Mind control? Sudden changes of heart and modus operandi don't just happen, and if they did, they were planned. Either way, he couldn't know for sure unless she told him. All this thinking boiled down to two things: One, he was trapped, unable to react, and two, even were he to react, there were two other people he had to deal with, their exact combat abilities unknown. That made him uncomfortable. Slowly, he brought his hands up, lacing them together behind his head. "Sable. What the hell is going on?"