Lyra frowned and her brow furrowed slightly. "That's... Not going to be a walk in the park, right?" She sighed, running a hand through her long hair, a habit she picked up when she was stressed. Well, at least she wasn't as stressed as before, the news that it was possible to save her friend did relieve a heavy burden off her shoulders. Difficult, perhaps, but not impossible ."If you're willing to do it, then money's no object, or that's what I'm assuming you're asking for. I'll help in any way I can, just... If you can get me there and back, with my friend, I'll be forever in your debt." She smiled slightly when he told her his name. It felt almost like a symbol of trust that sealed the deal. After all, names weren't given out so lightly anymore, it was too easy to find someone nowadays. "Lyra. It's a pleasure to meet you. And, thanks again for helping me out here... Geez, I don't think that I can really express how grateful I am. The best way I could put it is... I would hug you, if Demons were into hugs. So, yeah, thanks."