The echo of her friend’s ‘good morning’ brought a large smile across the blonde’s full red lips. Her white teeth spreading across her face as she pretended there was something actually interesting on the menu. Sure, she could probably repeat the whole thing by heart with how often she comes in, but it may surprise her one of these days. “Same old, same old.” She called out, responding to the question about her evening. “Another sleepless night and typing away on my laptop but what’s to be expected of me anymore? I practically live on a keyboard.” There was a hint of disappointment in her voice. Anyone who knew her well enough knew that she wanted to be on the police force and help prevent a lot of crime in the city but… well, thanks dad. Placing down her menu, she pushed it off to the side and took up the water. “Cheers to the perfect waitress!” She said in a chipper voice. The conversation of why Aria chose to be a waitress instead of working for her parents was a conversation they never had. Plus Aria was very intelligent in the technology side of things, she could do so, so much but instead, she waits tables. Maybe the tips are good, who knows. It wasn’t Marian’s place to pry and she wasn’t going to ask questions that her friend may not want to answer. After placing down her glass she began to doctor up her coffee before the door opened and her head turned to look to see who entered. It was Allan, an acquaintance she had met through Aria and an interesting guy at that… interesting meaning; she would never want to be on his bad side. But he seemed like a laid back quirky sort of fella as long as there was no tension. His mention of going into the kitchen caused her gaze to move back to Aria’s in a quick motion, blue eyes wide in horror as she dumped a bit more sugar into her coffee. “Please, I don’t want to die in a kitchen fire. If he’s that desperate for food that [i]he’s[/i] willing to cook, just put it onto my tab.” Her attention than moved back to Allan as she gave him a little wave of ‘come here’. “If you’re hungry I can spot you for a breakfast.” Another door opened and another person entered as Marian stirred the sugar and creamer into the coffee, turning it a caramel brown color. The music entered the diner giving off a love feeling to the 60’s atmosphere and Marian found her head rocking gently to the music before it stopped. This time when she turned to see who entered, the young girl commented loudly about Robin Hood’s adventure that had been plastered on the television and the radio this morning. Of course, she read about it as soon as Mister Flanagan went to the police about it at 3:36am so it wasn’t that new of news to her but she still let out a small sigh. “As much as I can see his reasoning behind his actions, I hope he doesn’t get himself into something he can’t handle… then again Flanagan was a creep…” Just talking about it sent a shiver up her spine and her whole body shuddered. “Just thinking about him makes me feel sick.” She shook her head, her blonde hair flying around her face before settling back down on her back and shoulders as she took up her fork and knife and began to cut into her syrup covered pancakes. “Though I hope, if Robin Hood ever does get caught, that I’m the stenographer who gets the job!” Maybe, just maybe, her fan-girl crush isn’t all that healthy; especially considering her father is the main person who wants Robin and the Merry Men behind bars.