[quote=GourmetItalia] That's very interesting, Peik, Fern; I've always had the presumption that travelling through the Middle East would most likely result in one's kidnapping or injury unless the nation's more modernized like Turkey or Israel. Of course, I'm not familiar with the day to day news within either countries other than the Palestinian, Kurdish, and ISIS conflicts so aside from the reports about the PKK and the border mobilizations, I had no idea that Turkey's inner stability was taking a sharper turn.Tourist trap-ish locations are a given since they exist in just about every part of the world, but sheesh, I'd at least thought the costs of living and commodities would be lower in Turkey than in other first world countries. Glad you made it back home, Fern, and if you enjoyed the vacation, that's all to the better! For many individuals, money seems like its tight these days and unless you're rich, seems like vacationing's an added blessing. I myself haven't had the opportunity to travel to Israel or Turkey like you Peik, Fern; and judging from the recent developments, I don't imagine I'll embarking on any Turkish sabbaticals in the next two to four decades.Regarding character sheet matters, Of course, this is very minor, Nevis; but if you could put spaces inbetween Uriel's biography paragraphs since the word clusters are a bit hard on on the eyes. Afterwards, Uriel's debut and perspective will bring a unique spin to the plot alongside our existing protagonist badasses 8) [/quote] Currently Turkey is the leading country in Europe when it comes to inequality of income - about 80 percent of the country's total wealth-income-money-whatever is held by 10 percent of the population. One part of the country has people buy random and expensive stuff for fun while another part has people killing themselves because they couldn't heat their children or bring food home. We also use the world's most expensive fuel, and pay the taxes of those who leak electric to their houses from electric lines. The government is actively using religion, or if that doesn't work, batons and tear gas to keep people down. The people are incredibly hostile against each other because of politics, life's expensive, everything is breaking down, and all we're getting is 'Don't test our patience' from the government officials. Those who should enforce the law are instead breaking it. It's like a bloody nightmare.