Death, that post is rather... confusing and kinda metagame-ish. O_o Doesn't Sable and Grant have the same amount of reflexes and abilities, just one focuses on one thing and the other focuses on the other? If Sable has the gun pointed behind Grant, and since his sword is sheathed on his back, I don't think he could make that sort of movement before sable is able to pull the trigger on his back. No matter how fast he is, without super speed, he shouldn't have been able to cut the gun like that, that fast since it was behind him instead of in front of him. :/ Plus you kinda just cut Mason's gun so Grant should feel like shit right now, if I read Stryder's post correctly. I'd rather not there be a fight break out so mind if I ask you to hold off your post till tomorrow or whenever Stryder is online again? I don't believe my brother would be all too happy about this post, especially since he let me in the loop of everything sooo.. just to keep the peace, for now mind holding the post since I'd rather not have to deal with an angry brother over a something simple like this.