Erik smiled as the crew conversed, he was already liking some of them, the ones that were actually friendly enough to make conversation. He looked at the captain then Risty and spoke once more. "As long as the captain and Caelum give me the okay to tinker with my speciality on the ship, then I don't see any harm in lending you some, I just have to understand what for. The stuff I like most is the kind that can puncture a hole in starship's hull, the bigger, the better. Don't wanna toy around with that kind of payload." He said with a smile, then watched as the pilot darted out of her seat and left the room, unhappy about something. Some of the other crewmen followed suit, Erik himself rising out of his seat, plotting his next course of action. He moved across the room, finding a basket full of fruit. He removed one red apple from inside, then shined it against his shirt before taking a bite. The fruit was tasty, nice and rip like it had been taken from the tree at the perfect moment. He shuffled back over and grabbed his backpack and jacket, slinging both on his figure. With that, Erik followed suit, taking another bite out of the fruit as he walked. After a short walk, he reached where everybody else was, popping in the door and appearing behind the others who gathered in front of the Medusa. "Well,she definitely is a pretty ship, looks expensive too. Hope it flies as good as it looks." Erik said out loud to no one in particular, forming his words as to not accidentally piss off the pilot by making a remark about her ship.