Nyirr was quite happy hearing Sir Elric being grateful for their presence. All he wished to do was to make Valaria a place for the people to live within without this war going on and the nobles doing as they pleased with it. Nitia had shared the same sentiment for the situation and the Guardian knew that she would put everything she could into making this nation a better place. He joined the noble man in his walk, making sure Nitita was also near so she could hear and participate in their discussions. She would be an important key in this event, even if she didn’t actively in the battles that were to come. As they marched forth, Sir Elric brought the war of their past. Yes, he remembered fighting alongside Elric… They were dark times. Yet, those times had forged Nyirr and Sir Elric into the men they were now. They were now stronger and more determined than ever. Even death wasn’t something that Nyirr feared as he had seen far worst in the hands of Malfear and how death could so easily be manipulated by the human beings of this world. It was almost disgusting to imagine someone toying with the natural cycle of life and using it for their own gain. Nyirr commented on the stories, simply saying that it was their duty to make sure that Malfear never completed his tasks and that they had done so with success… They were so much younger during those times too. They continued along and Nyirr had taken into account the men that were going to fight for the cause. They were obviously not trained soldiers, but these were men and women willing to die for the cause of Valaria. They were not soldiers ordered to accomplish a task by their Lord, they were there of their own accord for a purpose that went over what most nobles saw. They had many things these other soldiers didn’t. A smile grew on his lips, looking at the cheering men and those smiles. They would be honorable and noble men to fight for something like this. Nyirr would not let any of them down. This was a new war with a great purpose and he would push through as he pushed through with the Malfear war. They arrived in the strategy room which didn’t seem to be its original purpose. Not that the room wouldn’t be great for planning, it was something at least. The words Sir Elric spoke were worrying as it seemed he arrived at the wrong time. It does seem that it was a bit of a bad position they were in, but they were not out. They moved towards a map which he demonstrated what was happening… Cornered by all front but the sea, but lacks ships. That was a predicament… but this could be used to their advantage. He looked over the map with its details, learning the points of interest quickly and look over what resources they had. Sir Elric then presented something of value… The cause. The dream of a republic would never die until one man held the banner up. [b]“ You are right…”[/b] Nyirr raised his eyes to him, considering his words and the battle… His hand gentle rub on his chin, viewing the possibilities. Something came to mind, both for the sake of the people within these walls and could be used in a tactical advantage. [b]“Elric. We could buy some time and get more people out than you think. If we send a messenger to Lord Theron’s asking for us to meet with him outside the walls. We offer them to have the non-combatants be removed from the battle that is to come and should be brought out safely, without harm being done. Either way he chooses, it is going to work for us. If he accepts, the people can freely get out, which will take some time. While they are doing that, the rest of us can set up the city so that it is a death trap for anyone coming in and reduce their numbers drastically before they reach melee…”[/b] He then puts his hand on the table, thinking his other part through. [b]“If he refuses… Imagine the uproar in his own ranks. They are all fighting for independence from Valeal… Most of the soldiers will not take lightly to killing non-combatants and might give us the edge we need. It would tarnish his reputation and most likely ruin him. In both cases, we are gaining something…”[/b] It was then that Sir Doyle came in, Nyirr looking over at him. He did not remember him, but he seemed familiar enough to know that he had probably seen him from the war or in Valaria somewhere. He presented a few things that were quite interesting… He wasn’t sure how Sir Grey would want to handle it. In any case, he said that two people had some very good information, one being a spy of Sir Grey. It was an interesting set of information indeed and they would have to further discuss it with whoever they were. As the two presented themselves to the room, he would let Sir Grey speak first… Meanwhile, he turned to Lady Nitia. [b]“Nitia. How far do you want to extend your magical prowess if the battle comes?”[/b]