[b]Caelum C. Jameson[/b] Caelum hummed in appreciation at the sight of her ship, sinking deeper into the mud-vortex beneath her feet with every second she spent waiting for The Medusa's cargo bay to slowly lower itself. She was thinking about the stars again, masked from Sycamore by the wafer-thin atmosphere and blue skies as clear as crystal; which planet would be first? What would they be doing? The Admiral hadn't told her a thing, only that he needed them to be up in the void before she read the classified files. The Medusa wouldn't be a regular military bombardier as she had been in the past, Caelum knew. It would be something dangerous, something that painted a target right on their backs if UNES found out. That was the only reason why even the name of the project would shut-off from all but the highest of authority levels. Her fingers twitched anxiously – she'd need to get the captain in on her information, her guesswork. Of course it would be Pascal Souchon – bringer of doom and misery – who jolted her out of her musings but... was that French? She'd heard a lot of accents and a lot of bastardized languages out in the giant cultural mixing-pot that was the rim of occupied space, some of which [i]called[/i] themselves French, but the man's sounded pure, refined. And the manners! They shocked Caelum out of her usual 'fist-bumps and jaunty salutes' routine of greeting and back into a mindset long forgotten, locked in the domes of Mars and hardly touched in fifteen years. “Charmed,” she said, taking his hand with a weaker handshake than usual. “I must admit, I didn't expect to see anyone from the solar system.” Caelum quickly turned around to face the others as they slogged through the mud one by one, bristling slightly like an angry cat when she felt they weren't quite as impressed with The Medusa as she was, lacking the wonder in their eyes that she had had back on her first trip. Waving, and raising her voice as much as possible to address even the furthest away crewmembers, she grinned widely. “I know the outside doesn't look like much, but believe me, her guts've been completely replaced. It's the insides that count – and not a single one of her original parts remain, I do believe.”