"Oh, we knew about the electricity." Mark said, pulling a small round object with a screen and electrical outlets on top. "A wizard I met in America invented a way to convert the 'rennervate' charm into electricity somehow, I'm not quite sure how. I invested in a company he was starting to make devices that would do that, and he gave me a prototype of it." He pointed his wand at the device and said "rennervate". There was a red flash and the battery indicator on the top of the device increased a bit. "I gave that one to Rose to recharge her Ipad with when he sent me this updated version last month. He hopes to find a way to make it work with other, more powerful spells, and even hopes to use it to help the muggles with their 'energy crisis' and 'global warming'. I doubt the technology will get that powerful for a while, but they do come in handy for the modern witch or wizard that wants to carry a cell phone or computer in traditional magical areas." "As for the books, there's a witch in Paris that put several magical volumes in e-book form. None of them are her text books, but they might work for reference material, so her parents bought them for her. I'll have to talk to the head-master about putting in electricity at the school. I know Hogwarts is steeped in ancient tradition, but to not even have electric lighting in this day and age seems a bit much to me." When she told him about herself, he thought for a few seconds before responding. He didn't remember many people from then, but he thought he remembered seeing her. "Were you that girl a year behind me that always seemed to be in the library when I got there? If so, I apologize for not talking to you. I was always in a hurry when I went there, looking up wand lore or healing charms, or finding a place to read the copy of 'Gray's Anatomy' I had to sneak in because a muggle wrote it." He reached into his laptop case, placing the recharger in and pulling out his robe. "I guess I really should be wearing this instead of a button-up shirt and khakis since I'm a teacher, but I'll put it on before I arrive." He pointed the badge on the shirt at her. "I was also in Ravenclaw, but I didn't interact with many people, so I'm not surprised you don't remember me. I quit when I turned 18, took my OWLs to graduate, then moved to the US to go to a muggle school to learn medicine. I had a medical practice just off of Daigon alley for a few years, but I never had enough customers to keep it open, so I applied for a job at Hogwarts. You'd be surprised how many people won't use muggle medicine, even when it's cheaper and more effective. I even had one customer that kept coming in to have me treat headaches because he refused to take the Ibuprofen I gave him."