[b]Eva - On the phone @ Maria's - Tony [/b] [i]I’m going home then, get what you need. Stay by the phone just in case I need to call you[/i] Eva looked at him like he was crazy, quickly hurrying to get standing. [b]”Tony!”[/b] she yelled at him, but it was met with the slamming of Maria’s door. Bewilderment on her face, she growled, pouting as she kicked some of Maria’s shit aside and crossed her arms. After a moment to calm down she, still not happy, accepted this was best and pulled out her phone. She stood next to where Tony had laid Maria, turning the volume on her phone up high so she’d make sure to hear it if he called. It seemed like forever before she heard it ringing, and she answered it immediately. [b]”Yeah babe?”[/b] she said, waiting as he said he couldn’t find the naloxone. [b]”Okay, it’s under the sink babe. It’s in a pack with the word NARCAN across the front. It might be under something but it should be easy to find, ok?”[/b] she said calmly, watching Maria’s chest move up and down. Sure, she wanted Tony to hurry back, but like before, she knew panicking would only make things worse.