There was a terrible little feeling of helplessness that filled Nora until she thought she would just explode. She had watched him lift two women over his shoulders as if they weighed nothing and then start walking. She couldn't fight him, probably couldn't run far enough or fast enough. It was like she had an invisible leash around her neck, because moments after he had turned and started walking Nora felt her feet moving. She followed, very reluctantly but with the knowledge that she had no choice. Her eyes were downcast and she forced herself to not look around and start screaming for help. How could he possibly be kidnapping three women from a busy hotel and not be seen by anyone? She chanced a glance up in time to see the hand that belonged to the Doctor moving. She blinked and almost made a surprised sort of sound. Then the tiniest feeling of relief came over her. She had thought she was alone, but she wasn't. The Doctor was still very much awake. They left the hotel via the emergency exit and Nora was faced with a car that was clearly waiting for the man. She felt a surge of anger flow through her as he watched the way he just through her sister and the Doctor into the backseat and she met his gaze as he ordered her inside. She wanted to yell, try to leap at him and hit him, but she knew it would be fruitless. She could do more while still conscious. So closing her eyes to hide her glower and biting back an insult, Nora climbed into the backseat and was left in darkness when the door was slammed closed behind her. She sought out her unconscious sister's hand and held it. Half of her wished Evie was awake, but the other half was glad that Evie wasn't experiencing the fear and confusion just yet.