I'll get mine set up too! Pardon me! Behold! Ye Handfork of truth! Names: Rhee and Lilu Ages: 19 Gender: Lilu is a girl, and though Rhee is biologically male, he identifies as agendered. Mutations: Rhee has Pyrokinesis, as well as fire absorption, though the latter is a bit tricky, as he takes damage from the fire he absorbs into his body if he holds it too long. Lilu is the opposite; she has cryokinesis, the ability to create and control ice and cold water. The both have a shared mutation, which is that although they are both twins, they only have one body between them. When one inhabits the body, the other is pushed into a semi-dormant mode in the back of the mind. Their body also changes physically depending on who is currently dominant. Appearance: Both have dark brown skin and long black hair, Rhee likes to wear his up and Lilu prefers it down, so people can tell who is who. Both are very slender and androgynous, as there are only very slight differences between them. Rhee's eyes are more slender than his sister's and are a light brown, whereas Lilu's are blue and have longer lashes. Rhee has a long blue tattoo going down his right side to his thigh. Abilities: Aside from their mutations, they are both adept contortionists, and have a slightly enhanced sense of sight and taste. They can also communicate face-to-face with the use of a mirror. Non-mutational skills: Rhee enjoys sewing and is an accomplished cook. Lilu prefers dancing and making loud music. Personalities: Rhee is very quiet and straightforward, giving off the air of an cool and intelligent person. In reality, however, things are very different. He is good at reading the atmosphere, but terrible at communicating with people, and often gets into trouble by unwittingly blurting out whatever comes to mind. He cannot read, or solve simple algebraic equations, being unable to imagine something that does not exist. A very simple and blunt person, he cares very much for his sister and the people around him, though he does tire of questions about his sexuality. Lilu, on the other hand, is simply a bundle of energy. Constantly bubbly and talking, she often bickers with her more quiet and asocial brother, and enjoys playing pranks on him for when he gains control. A mischievous mink, she is clever and cunning, with an unforgiving mean streak and perhaps a bit of sadism hidden behind her happy smile. She enjoys poking fun at people and making up parodies. Goals: To find their mother. Many years prior, a storm swept the island, and though there was little damage to infrastructure, four people were missing, seemingly without a trace. With no evidence of foul play or suicide, it was concluded that the four had been swept out to sea. Rhee and Lilu's mother was among the lost four. Despite heavy odds, the twins had hope that she was still alive, and safe, perhaps, in the outside world. Fears/Weaknesses: Rhee cannot swim, and Lilu has a severe fear of insects, to the point where she will freeze anything that scurries or scuttles. Also, they cannot switch between another with relative ease- they can only switch every four hours, though it is not mandatory that they do so. In addition, switching requires the consent of both twins- if one is unconscious or unwilling, then they cannot switch. Backstory/Extra Stuff: Rhee never understood basic problems, and refused to attend middle school and high school. Seeing as one cannot really punish someone who isn't physically there, and since Lilu was an exceptional student, the school gave in, though they warned Rhee that this would only hurt himself. He was something of an unruly delinquent and a truant due to this, and got in trouble several times, something he doesn't like being brought up.