[hider=Shinju Shiro, Wicked Rose] Name: Shinju Shiro Age: 15 Gender: Female Appearance: [img]http://safebooru.org//samples/353/sample_b62ba17e5cdeb91b5b4cddee838f273ee6f7e199.jpg?352812 [/img] Personality: Shiro is disciplined and focused in almost all things she does, evidence of her military like upbringing from her elder brother. She approaches most problems with logic and conviction, normal looking for a way to diffuse issues before they becomes anything more than a minor dispute. That is not to say she will back down from a fight or cast aside her ideals all that easily. If anything, when shes backed into a corner, she becomes the most fierce defender you could ever meet. She simply prefers to avoid a conflict when possible. Though in some ways it is like a young girl trying her hardest to pretend to be a solider. Don't take that the wrong way mind you, Shiro's focus an dedication to solider like discipline are indeed very serious, but she is still only a teen age girl and every now and then you'll catch that adolescent insecurity, youthful uncertainty, teenage fire, and child like wonder beneath the composed military surface. Brief Backstory: Shiro is the youngest child of a mild level politician. While much of her early childhood was fairly normaly of the child of anyone in any kind of position of power, a great deal changed after the first world wide Nephilin invasion. The first attack had taken the life of her mother and badly wounded her elder brother who was part of Japans Self Defense Force. The death of their mother traumatized and distance his father from his family badly. It pushed him to become a very outspoken supporter of increased military, rebuilding, and defense spending, especial in areas of anti-nephilin counter measures. While she now recognizes that his almost madden political agenda probable helped many people get government funding to rebuild their damaged homes and cities as well as even saved lives with gather aid and support, she still had trouble accepting that her father all but abandons his living family on an emotional level. She spent a good deal of her child hood living with her elder brother. He became her primary care taker, though while he was still recovering from his wounds her father took care of all of their expenses. Her brother had been honorably dismissed from the SDF for being to badly injured to continue serving became a mechanic. It was a logical leap as he had been an mechanical engineer for the SDF before the attack crippled him beyond the point of service. From there they were able to mostly support themselves, though father still put forth a fair amount to help them along. Seemed to her money was the only way he knew how to express himself anymore. As she grew she became more and more interested in her brothers work, both past and present. She spent a good deal of time after school in his work shop rather than out with friends, learning about machines and engineering work and listening to stories about his time as part of the SDF. She had made the decision she was going to fallow in her brothers foot steps and also become of defender of her home. Abilities: Thanks to spending a lot of time with her older brother she has become a budding mechanic in her own right, She enjoys working with her hands and dealing with engineering problems. She is also a devote student of Judo. She had wanted to take a more direct martial art like karate, but her brother recommended she do something that better taught her how to deal with larger foes. Shiro isn't that big of a girl after all. Powers: Shiro can create fields of solid force, that appear as shimmering, rose-pink energy. While it is suspected she could possible develop this power into the ability to create constructs of the force, her control of the size and shape of her force fields is very limited at the moment. Given that, her power primarily defensive nature. She can most easily make a disk, dome, or sphere of defensive energy. They are at their strongest and most stably around or near her person. She can also encase her fists or feet in the energy if she is forced into unarmed up-close combat for added defensive and offensive capabilities, or make smaller disks of the energy about her hand or fore-arm for shield bashes or cutting thrusts with the edge. Shiro's Magigear, is called 'Wicked Rose' and allows her a great deal of speed and mobility as her power acts as her primary defense. Allowing her to quickly get between deadly attack and a vulnerable ally to provide defense and support. Weapon(s): Shiro's Wicked Rose deploys what she calls her 'Flyers'. 5 floating offensive satellite devices vaguely shaped like humming birds. They are directed with her hand and respond to vocal commands. They are as quick and nimble in the air as she can be, and are meant to allow her a measure of offensive abilities while she is holding a larger stationary shield. Given their size and how swift they are their own primary defense is speed, but if one gets destroyed she has 5 spares with her. This brings up a total of 10 flyers capable of being used in a single engagement, though she can only manage to deploy 5 effectively. Each can fire a small energy blast with only minor power but decent rate. Individually the Flyers aren't much of a threat but all together they are a great distraction, deterrent, even a dangerous to less armored foes and a good for finding weak points in a foes defenses quickly given their multiple angles of attack. Shiro's more deadly offensive option is Crossbow like gun she can deploy that fires an arrow shaped bolt of magic with intense piercing power. It only has a mild rate of fire and her Flyers need to be deactivated so all the power can be focused into the arrows. [/hider]