The sun was too bright. The whole world was too bright and far too loud. Jaden rose his head only to find every muscle in his body burned just beneath the skin. Even his eyes were fuzzy. He could feel the migraine brought on from his implants being used after fighting. He tried to see but all he found was white lights and shadowy blurs that flickered in and out. This was not normal for him to feel, something had happened. Something had gone very, very wrong. He lay on the sand struggling to focus on the world around him. Slowly he rolled over onto his side, a sharp stinging pain shot through his thigh. A pain he knew all too well. he felt his waist, a sticky dampness confirming his fears. He had been shot and without his site he couldn't hope to treat it. With any luck his site would return in time but until then he was helpless. Jaden felt around, hand withdrawing when it seemed to touch jagged steel, twisted and bent. Again he felt around, this time finding something soft and supple. An arm perhaps? his site was still too fuzzy to tell though shapes had begun to form far better than when he had first opened his eyes. Then his hand found something very familiar. A short, metal barrel that led to a trigger. A nice, seemingly functional, rifle. Even without eyes Jaden was able to pull the rifle to him. Fighting through the agony he picture the weapon in his head. The clip was still loaded, the safety off and trigger pulled back. it felt like an antique weapon but a short squeeze while he held it to the air proved it was loaded and functioning. Now all he needed were his eyes. Slowly he fought his body to stand. The world was still a blur but he would get no where laying in the wastes. he closed his eyes and took a deep breath before taking a single step and folding to his knees again. The shock wave that had blinded him had also left him too weak to walk just yet. Then he pondered on a single though. Who else had survived the explosion?