The Archivist almost lost his composure in his haste to record all he could of the great cavernous expanse displayed before him by the powerful creature known as Skallagrim. His mind could hardly comprehend its vastness, let alone the device at his wrist. However, before it was gone he judged that at least 0.5% of the information had been relayed to the Archive. Even such a small quantity of data dwarfed anything his predecessors had ever collected. He would go down in the history of the Archivists as the greatest, and no-one would ever forget his name. With an inward sigh the arachnid turned nimbly and folded all four arms, turning to stare at his foes. They were varied in size and race, human was obvious though there were also two roughly human variations of vastly different proportions. What powers or natures existed behind the façade was hard to discern with a simple glance, however once his Data-pad had finished sending the huge quantity of material he had just observed… it would likely give him what he required. There was also notably a fox-like creature in the gathering, and a decrepit looking spirit he summarised was a Djinn, or something very similar. He would have spent longer giving them a personal look, knowing that many would fall to someone else’s hands and their data would be lost forever, but he was cut short by their host. Fighting berths chosen, tournament ready to begin, The Archivist’s mouth opened briefly to reveal razor sharp unnatural fangs. Excellent, it was time for him to go. He scuttled over to his berth and felt himself change, much like when he had entered the Great Hall, then he was no more in that place but in another, one of light and anticipation of bloodshed.