[b]Lancaster Render - The Swindler's Warehouse - Baylen Denney[/b] Lancaster worked on his cigarette as he and Baylen drove to the warehouse. His nerves were only calmed slightly, as he was unsure what would be at the warehouse to meet them when they arrived. Part of him hoped the culprit was there so he could catch them and put an end to this. But another part of him was hoping they would arrive to find nothing, as whoever was doing this could be traveling in large numbers. He also feared that he might not be able to contain his anger and that his trigger itch would land him in a sticky situation. Lancaster nodded, agreeing with Baylen's plan. He was good at talking things out and establishing plans. He just hoped this would go smoothly. He chuckled bitterly at Baylen's remark about the [i]stealers[/i] getting [i]stolen[/i] from. "I don't know, man," Lancaster said, keeping his tone low. "All I know is, whoever is trying to fuck with us, they're gonna wish they were never born." While Lancaster could be described as passive aggressive when it came to most things, things like this brought out the violent side of him. Getting out of the car, Lancaster nodded in approval to Baylen before pulling the shiny pistol that had been tucked in his belt, and began to stalk along the right side of the warehouse. The air was rather bitter and the small bits of grass around the perimeter were rather damp but that didn't stop him. Lancaster was determined. As he scaled along the side of the warehouse, he noted indents in the damp grass, leading up to an area that the ground appeared to be covered with gravel. This definitely wasn't here a few days ago. "Baylen!" Lancaster called out in a whisper, hoping that he wasn't too far on the left side, and that he would hear him.