Story: A new virus has been spreading across the globe, originating from Poland. The virus has caused the infected to be hostile to non-infected and the dead to rise... The military have quarantined every town they could defend before the infected arrived to the town and added more to their ranks. [hider= Town map] [img=] [/hider] 1. Do not attack other characters without approval of the character's owner. 2. DO NOT control other peoples characters without permission 3. Give suggestion's and ask anything you need to. 4. Discussions are welcome. Fighting is not 5. NO God Modding. 6. No OP character's. 7. If you have a problem with something we can discuss it. (Hopefully like mature beings.) CS' Name Age Appearance Gender Personality (Not required.) Bio (Not required.) Skills (Exp: Ex-Cop = A certain level of proficiency with firearms.) Weapons (Things you would find in houses for the start of the RP anyway.) Side note ------ The infected if they are "fresh" can run while the old infected walk...