Naina considered the options and knew that she had a chance to establish herself within the Earth Sphere ranks and fulfill her mission. She answered to the Lord’s offer, “I feel that Milou has the right idea. I shall dedicate what resources I have to the assistance of OZ. I will only be able to offer the assistance until we have discovered the former President’s location and ended his operations.” Despite his attempts to encourage her, Donna didn’t show any signs of being uplifted from her stressed mood. Mercurio decided there was only one way for her to truly hear his promise. He lightly held her hand when he promised, “I know promising trust in a group like this is a default. It’s something we would all expect to be fulfilled. Just remember that we will build our trust with our actions. It’s what made us into a squad and better soldiers for it. We’re together because of this duty and it’s our choice to support one another that got us this far.” He placed it back down when he remembered the obvious issue with his promise. “I know it’s probably presumptuous of me to speak for everyone who’s left, but I hope it’s what they believe in as well.” | Oleg managed to hear the announcement when Tano announced the new plan. From what he could tell it seemed like there wasn’t going to be any interference from the Sol Thero units as they made their way to the other end of the city. He responded, “We read you Lieutenant. We’re headed for the hangar bays to take them out from a distance.” Another one of the pilots added a warning, “You might do well to steer clear of those things sir. We have to stay out of their sights to have a chance at blind sighting them.” The Leo units slowly made their way out of the trench while Oleg ordered, “Keep an eye on our six. Don’t let them prepare a surprise attack.” One of the pilots reported, “They’re just reaching near the end of the city.” It was only a short walk before the Leo III units made their way to the hangar bays. Oleg was the first to ask, “Inventory in our equipment?” One of the pilots briefly accounted the weapons on the nearest rack when he reported, “Some spare beam weaponry. Don’t know how much of this is going to help. These sort of standard weapons aren’t going to pierce their shields.” Oleg was about to curse before he quickly tried to come up with a solution. “Maybe not with just one of them. But how about assembling one monster of a gun?” Another one of the pilots agreed to the “Might just be brutal enough. It’s not like we have another option right now.” One concern was addressed when a pilot near the beam rifles asked, “Can we get those riffles to fire that much energy though?” Another one answered, “If we use the charging stations at the hangar bays.” Oleg brought them back to preparations when he ordered, “Get those beam rifles unloaded and take the chance. Make it quick, there’s no telling when those things will be out of range.” He switched his channel to contact their engineer, “McNeil, think you can dislodge some of those suit cables?”