[hider=Izumi Yuna] [b]Name:[/b] Izumi Yuna [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] [center] [i]Magitech on:[/i] [img=http://oi62.tinypic.com/15hhht5.jpg] [i]Magitech off:[/i] [img=http://oi58.tinypic.com/jkahxj.jpg] [/center] [b]Personality:[/b] Yuna is sweet-natured, calm, and quiet. Despite her quietness, she is sociable - she very much enjoys the company of others, and can keep up a conversation easily. Her placid disposition tends to affect others around her, putting them at ease, and makes her very approachable. She will rarely be seen doing nothing. If she doesn't have a violin or a book in hand, she'll be moving around. Being one of the older Magitech Girls, she tries to act like an older sister or a mother to them - someone they can always turn to when they need any sort of support. The only time she breaks her normal attitude is when she has to fight. She dislikes violence, and when in combat, will become a little irritable - her calming smile is replaced by a furrowed brow. She isn't a fan of the fighting style she has to use, calling it vulgar and barbaric. Yuna, however, also has a strong sense of responsibility; she knows and understands that the fighting is absolutely necessary for the good of the world, and that she's one of the few who [i]can[/i] fight. Because of this, she will never hesitate to take action or throw herself in harm's way to protect others - especially if it's her fellow Magitech Girls who are in danger. When things really hit the fan, she has a tendency to get scarily vicious - about as far from her regular personality as she can get. She absolutely hates seeing others in any sort of pain, and will always do anything she can to help. [b]Brief Backstory:[/b] Yuna's life has been a busy one. When she was 7, her mother fell ill and became unable to work or do much around the house, and it would take nearly a decade for her to get back to normal. Being the oldest of four children, the responsibilities of her mother during that fell onto Yuna. The girl took it in stride, and helped raise and care for her younger siblings. She taught herself to cook, making breakfast, lunch, and supper for everyone. She got up early everyday, to wake up everyone else and help them get ready for their own days. She kept the house clean and orderly while her father worked long hours to make sure the family could keep paying their bills. As she grew older, she began to also pick up part time jobs to help pay for all the expenses. The Nephilim attack, at first, didn't concern the young Yuna. She would occasionally see news coverage on it as it made its way around the world, and she always just sort of assumed is what a TV show or something. But then her father started to seem nervous. More and more, he'd have his nose in the newspaper or his eyes glued to the TV. Her fathers nervousness quickly devolved into a barely contained panic as the monster entered Japan. The Izumi family was one of the lucky ones - not a single one of them was badly injured. Upon seeing the aftermath of the attack, however, it's safe to say that they were all left shaken. The first time Yuna stepped out of her home after the attack, she was met with leveled buildings and the mangled bodies of the dead and the dying. She was horrified by it, and angered that she couldn't do anything to help. Since then, Yuna can't stand to see others in any kind of pain, and she's resolved to always do anything she can to help people. Even through all this, she managed to get good grades in school, only thanks to her ability to learn quickly - she had very little time to spend on studying. As if she didn't have enough to do, she decided to start playing the violin. She had fallen in love with its sound as a child, and was given one by her parents to thank her for all her hard work. When Yuna was 16, her mother finally won her long battle with her illness, and was able to start working again. While Yuna still helped a lot, she found herself with far more time than she had ever had. She also found that having nothing to do was awful, so she picked up new hobbies, and kept herself just as busy as she had always been. [b]Abilities:[/b] She can play the violin well, can analyze and learn things quickly, and is fairly athletic, having tried a dozen sports in the past two years. She does well academically, and is good at reading people's emotions, especially of those younger than her. [b]Powers:[/b] Yuna has the ability to absorb energy (as heat, which is then converted to the magical variety) and store it inside of her. She can then release it to amplify the energy she creates naturally. When absorbing energy from an object, its temperature rapidly decreases, causing it to frost over and become brittle. The absorption effect is amplified greatly by her gauntlets. There's a soft limit to how much energy she can store. Stored energy leaks out of her, and as she gathers up more energy, it leaks out faster. At a certain point, Yuna's stored energy leaks out faster than she can outside energy can be absorbed. The leaking effect is also physically painful for her, so the more she stores, the more she hurts. Her MagiGear, dubbed 'Black Rabbit,' greatly increases her strength and has a very good shield. Its downsides are that its flight speed and maneuverability are sub-par, and it is very CQB oriented - if she isn't right on top of her target, her effectiveness is drastically decreased. [b]Weapon(s):[/b] Over-sized mechanical fists and insanely powerful legs. Her gauntlets have a crushing grip strength, and the hands can be shot out to grab things, being connected to Yuna by a cable. The palms of the hands increase her ability to absorb energy, and help focus the energy she releases, creating powerful blasts. While these blasts can be used to extend Yuna's short fighting range, they lose tons of power in a hurry, so she prefers just grabbing her foe and unleashing the attack point-blank. Finally, she can use the blast's recoil to maneuver herself. Against a solid surface, this technique can launch her a good distance, while in air it only allows for shifts in her position. The armor on her legs makes her kicks and jumps ridiculously powerful - it's how her gear got the name Black Rabbit. If she has even a half-moment of respite while near a solid surface, she can cover a massive amount of distance in an instant. She does this by jumping, releasing her stored energy, and blasting the surface behind her with her gauntlets, all at the same time. [/hider]