Alright, since it seems like such a big deal on a lot of the other threads here (though, I might just be getting the wrong impression), I'll say right now that I'm a dude. Male. Man. Boy. Guy. Onyx. Bearer of the holy baseball bat that should never be used in an actual baseball game. So... yeah. No, I don't care about your gender. Alright I guess I'll set my standards now. As you can see, I'm not super formal. [hider=CLICK ME!] [list] [*]1. I'm flexible. If you want lots of words, I'll give you lots of words. If text walls intimidate you, I can go easy, and I do tolerate slacking off.[/*] [*]2. I'm impatient. Yeah, yeah, we all have schedules and a real life, but if something comes up, or you're afraid that something might come up, tell me. EVERY TIME as long as it's possible to tell me! I will want to know as soon as possible. If you go inactive without warning, I will find you. And I will -[/*] [*]3. I'm dumb. If you're referencing something, or there's something you want me to keep in mind when I'm making my response to you, I'd very much like to hear that. In return, I'll do the same for you (unless you don't want me to). But remember this: Jokes tend to go over my head.[/*] [*]4. I'm passionate. I want an actual story to come out of this. I expect you to portray your character(s) in an appropriate way, and in NO WAY should you EVER employ metagaming! I acknowledge that some situations may call for it. For example, one of my favorite characters to play as, actually replies to the narrator, but this is because the narrator is an actual character trapped in the mind of a little girl. Anyway, if you want to do anyhing resembling metagaming, or you're afraid you might be crossing the line a little, at least acknowledge it.[/*] [*]5. I'm forgiving. Do you hate punishments? Because I hate punishments. They are the worst. If you fuck up, or you're afraid you've fucked up, as long as you're sorry in the end, It's fine.[/*] [*]6. I'm picky. I'd like to avoid romance and horror. Anything else is okay with me.[/*] [*]7. I'm... wait, what was I going to say? Well, if I think of something else to sey, I'll add it.[/*] [/list] [/hider] Right. Interested? Just shoot me a PM, or post in this thread. Whatever, as long as it's a convenient, [b]non-obtrusive[/b] way of contacting me (I'm looking a you, [i]Skype[/i]!).