[b]E.U.V [i]Phoenix[/i][/b] Basil smiled, picking up a small black book, labeled Stardust. "The best way I feel to teach you about our religion is through reading a few passages from this book. Our holy book" spoke Basil, opening it and reading aloud to Fergus. "Book 1: From Stardust Passage 1 In the beginning Gliese was merely a torn desolate plain, fire and smoke rising into the air. A star exploded, from which the first speckles of Stardust landed on Gliese, and through that Faust was born of of a golden energy, on the highest plain of existence. She began exploring the universe, seeking to spread harmony and peace, but all she found was war and destruction. Despite this she became known as the Goddess of Harmony. Distraught she returned to Gliese. Using the Golden Energy she forged us, her children, and became known as the Eternal Mother. She then forged magic using the golden energy, and gave it to us as a gift. However our early ancestors were misguided, causing harm to themselves. Faust knew that she could not intervene directly, or influence a few for scaring them. Thus she created Lahnha, her agent and a guide to us." Basil paused for a minute, giving Fergus time to reflect on it.