Asuka simply stood at the corner, shrouded in a shadow. Her eyes were on what remained of the warehouse (storagehouse? No, that didn't sound right) as the smallest of frowns was placed on her lips. Boy oh boy was she going to get it this time for sure. Not only had she overslept, she was pretty sure that she had missed all the action. And the plan. And...everything. Yeah, everything. Letting out a small sigh she wondered what to do next. Logic said she should just go back and face the wrath and lecture she had coming. At the same time she couldn't help but feel as if she needed to stick around a little longer. She didn't want to lead anyone anywhere, and while normally she could probably get going without being followed, she was definitely slipping today. The flames danced around in her green eyes, though finally she tore her gaze away from them. Was she worried about everyone? Not particularly. She was sure they were fine...for the most part. Though she had to wonder whether they had succeeded or not. Probably a success, or so she would have liked to think. Once again she found herself staring at the inferno. They were fine. Nothing she had to worry about. Actually what she had to worry about was not getting spotted around here. After properly securing her hood. she would begin to make her way back. It's funny how quickly things tend to change. Here she was, running through the shadows like some sort of criminal. No way could she even consider standing out in the open or even consider walking normally. Everything had to be quick, discreet, she had to blend in with the background. Not exactly her forte, either, but she at the very least knew how to get up a building without too much of a ruckus. This was all normal to her, though she had to quickly change her mind about that. This shouldn't be normal. What should be normal is being able to walk the streets without having to watch her back for someone to pounce when she wasn't paying attention. Keyblades didn't need to be hidden, but as she was told (repeatedly) it was only to be used in dire situations. She already had a target on her back as part of the Unbound Hearts, no doubt they'd want her head too if anyone found out about her keyblade. Otherwise... The brunette came to a halt, as if that thought had triggered something. The tips of her fingers twitched slightly, as if even her own body wanted to summon it. She shook her head, lightly clasping her hands together. These urges popped up once in a while, as if it was calling out to her. At this point she knew how to suppress it, but it didn't make things any easier. Asuka sighed again, closing her eyes for just a moment. She wanted to go home.