[IMG]http://img.ibtimes.com/www/data/images/full/2012/08/17/297249-perks-of-being-a-wallflower-ezra-miller-johnny-simmons-logan-lerman-co.jpg[/IMG] Name: Jakob Schwarz Age: 18 History: Jakob was born in Berlin as the son of a Polish immigrant and an American immigrant. Both his parents naturally had a strong work ethic which they instilled in Jakob but were also obsessed with having a perfect family and the idea of having a 'gifted' child. Expectations of Jakob were high and he was home schooled from a young age to become gifted; his languages already included English, German and Polish but he was also taught Spanish and French in his teenage years. As well as this, his parents devised a 'four year rule', in which he would learn what his most intelligent peers had four years before they did. When Jakob failed to live up to his parents expectations, his father would often beat him and he received little sympathy from his mother either. Over time, Jakob began developing an anxiety disorder which brought on regular panic attacks when he felt he wasn't achieving. The family moved to America in 2010 when Jakob had turned 17. Several months later, his parents bodies were found beheaded and without any limbs in the trash can near their house and Jakob was gone. Abilities: His body is armed with two, three metre long telekinetic tentacles which he can grow from his chest on will. They are razor sharp and strong enough to withstand bullets. His obvious weakness is his difficulty in using them against anything more than three metres away from himself. As well as this, he is unable to use his tentacles when in unbearable pain / very weak / drugged.